Chapter 2: Meeting the Family

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Tyler pov

   Isa and I were talking in the car about how dad wouldn't let her go to L.A. for "learning purposes." "He will totally let me go why do you say he wouldn't!" She yelled "because last time you said that you partied all night and he found out!" She look and me with a hateful glare.

    "that was your fault you told him!" "I got two hundred dollars for that okay I'm not going to pass up that deal! Plus it's out of the country!"

She huffed "fine you win, but why were you so quiet today?" She looked at me worriedly, I roll my eyes "stop being so worried I was just thinking about how Kelly and her creep of a kid are going to be there when we get home."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that but you don't even know what he looks or acts like he could be hot for all we know." I looked at her with a disgusted look "you are gross you can't date your step brother!" She looked down "you're right but what if he is cute!" I ignore her for the rest of the drive home.

When we pull into the drive way I see the backs of Kelly or mom and her son.

   He was at least 6'3 which is tall considering I'm 6'5 and considered a giant. He was wearing a blue hoody and black jeans. When he heard my car purr he turned around and I saw he had black hair, crazy blue eyes, and glasses (like the ones in the cover).

  "Omg he is hot!" Isa suddenly said "shut up!" I reply. Isa and I get out of the car and start walking to them.

   "Hey Tyler and Isa how are you to!" Kelly I mean mom said and hugged us both. "This is Jon or Jonathan." She said trying to make this less awkward.

   "Hey....." he said and I could already tell that Isa thinks his voice is hot. I put on a fake happy voice and said, "Hi my names Tyler and This is Isa." I pointed to Isa "I know mom told me...." Jon reply. "Oh" 'can he really be anymore silent.'

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3rd pov

"Let's all go inside and show them around." Erin said trying to make the air less tense. All of them saying yes or yeah (Jon nodding) they all start walking toward the house.

While inside Jon and Kelly were showed their rooms and the rest of the house they all went on with their own business. Kelly starting dinner, Erin following, Isa daydreaming about Jon, Tyler going to his room to do homework, and Jon going to his room.

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Jonathan pov

While walking to where they said my room was I was thinking about how they all couldn't stand me (even Mom!) except Isa she was looking at me with a daydreamy face a lot which gave me the creeps.

Opening the door to my room I start to look around 'this room feels way too big' it had a queen sized bed which I kinda wanted but the room still had a lot of space in it.

I put my duffle bad down and backpack down taking some of my things out of it, like my ice skates hoping the school had a hockey team, drawing notebook, and my laptop.

Placing the notebook and laptop on my dresser and the ice skates on the floor. Flopping on my bed (which was really comfortable) taking of my glasses and putting them on the dresser. I then started thinking 'meeting the family was greeaaaatt......but at least I get to see my friends tomorrow,and mom said there were hockey team tryouts for this whole week so let's not start tomorrow's school day like shit'

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Hope you are enjoying this story so far I'm trying really I am, to not make this crap, but if it still is sorry

Also if there are any mistakes tell me so I can fix them

Jess out


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