"It was just a dream", she said. "I could never hate you. Never".

"I know", Korra said, her voice breaking. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I keep thinking things like that. I don't know why I keep doubting your love".

Asami rubbed the small of Korra's back.

"Maybe it's because you grew up not having any love and the one time you get it, it gets ripped away. You've been hurt too many times".

Asami wiped away her tears. She peppered her face with kisses, making Korra laugh.

"Stop it".

Asami pecked her on the lips. She smiled.

"There we go. A smile at last".

Korra sighed. She turned around and leaned back on Asami. Asami wrapped her arms around her waist, resting her cheek on Korra's head. Korra looked up at the stars. They twinkled brighter that night than she'd ever seen.

"Aren't they beautiful??".

Asami looked at Korra. Korra was hypnotized and fascinated by the stars, looking at them in awe. She seemed to glow in the moonlight. It was breathtaking. Asami smiled, feeling her heart flutter.

"Yeah. They are".

Asami looked at her lips. She couldn't resist. Bringing a hand up, she caressed Korra's cheek softly. Korra turned her head. Asami leaned in and pressed her lips against Korra's. Korra was taken by surprise but then kissed back. She slowly turned around so she faced the young queen. She wrapped her arms around Asami's neck, her fingers in her long hair. Asami pressed her body against Korra's as humanly possible. The sweet kiss left them both breathless and filled with mixed emotions.

They pulled apart, taking in oxygen. Asami pressed a kiss to Korra's forehead.

"I love you, Korra".

Korra smiled. "I love you too, Asami".

It was quiet as the two just stood there, in each other's arms.

Korra bit her lip.

"Um...... Asami??".


Korra began to play with Asami's left hand.

"Do you think I'd make a good queen??".
Asami frowned. She looked at Korra. She studied her face, seeing barely hidden insecurity in her face. Asami smiled. She pressed her lips to Korra's cheek.

"I think you'll make a great queen".

A small smile appeared on Korra's face.

"Thanks", she whispered.

Asami brushed aside locks of chocolate colored hair that fell on Korra's face. She slowly tucked them behind her ear.

"No problem, my love".

Korra suddenly snickered. "Your love??".

Asami grinned. "Yup".

Korra crossed her arms loosely, a smirk on her face.

"Have you been waiting to use that nickname on me??".

Asami blushed a light pink, but it wasn't noticeable in the dark of the night. She gave Korra a sheepish smile.

"Maybe. I thought since it's cute that our parents say it, I wanted to do it too".

Korra giggled. "Alright. You can call me that".

Korra let out a yawn. Her eyes dropped, tiredness obviously taking over.

Asami took her hand. "Come, my dear. We need to rest. With the coronation a few days away, you need to rest as much as possible".

Korra groaned. "Carry me", she joked, holding her arms out.

She didn't expect Asami to wrap her around her waist and her legs and then scoop her up. Korra, on instinct, wrapped her arms around Asami, holding on. Her cheeks were red as Asami carried her inside.

Korra buried her face in the crook of Asami's neck.

Asami carried Korra over to their bed. She laid Korra down and pulled the blanket up. She tucked her in. Korra was already nearly asleep. Asami smiled.

She slipped off her slippers and robe. She climbed into the king sized bed, pulling the blanket up. Asami laid down, looking at Korra. She smiled at the sleeping princess, admiration and love in her green eyes. Asami reached out and pulled Korra towards her. Korra subconsciously snuggled up to Asami, her hands grasping Asami's clothes.

Asami listened to the soft breathing of her wife, stroking her soft hair. She let Korra's soft breathing lull her to sleep, peace and bliss surrounding her.

So yeah. Comment with you think or something :) don't forget to vote if you liked it

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