The Bloodstone

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The fear in the upper chamber was almost tangible despite Winter's assurances. Once she and her sisters left, the nymphs did not readily disperse as they usually did. Instead, many grouped together, talking in hushed voices.

Elizabeth remained by Blossom's side as she stood looking vacantly at where Winter had stood. She did not even seem to notice Rue as she made her way down the steps towards them, her eyes pitiful as she glanced upon Blossom's unwavering form. As Rue neared them, she smiled at Elizabeth reassuringly and reached out to Blossom, placing her hand upon her delicate shoulder.

"Train me to be a guardian," said Blossom, still staring across at the throne of hawthorns.

"No," replied Rue. Blossom's head snapped around to face Rue's, her eyes beginning to well with tears. "You have a much more important task ahead of you and I want Luna to remain at your side," continued Rue, her hand holding firm on Blossom, her eyes steely with resolve. "You will take my place as our guardian of knowledge and as Luna has taken her vow, but not yet become a true nymph, she will assist you in your duties."

"I'm not worthy of that," replied Blossom, a tear slowly cascading down her flushed cheek.

"Blossom, there is no other nymph that has shown more promise than you. Your head may seem as if it's full of motes sometimes, but I know when you put your mind to it you can be a formidable nymph. Now dry away those silly tears and both of you come with me."

No-one noticed them as they made their way through and around the numerous groups of nymphs as they quietly discussed with each other the recent turn of events disclosed to them. Elizabeth followed behind Blossom as they left the upper chamber into the tunnels, not having the courage enough to speak to her. Blossom was obviously upset and she'd seemed unnerved when Elizabeth had inadvertently spoken of the dark one. Elizabeth didn't even know what the dark one was; all she knew was that something had triggered some sort of dreamlike memory within her and conjured up feelings of foreboding and despair.

It was only upon seeing the sunlight streaming down into the tunnel that broke Elizabeth away from wrestling with the thoughts that were racing through her mind and brought her attention back to where they were going. The familiar sight of the stone pillared entrance into the tree of knowledge usually brought a smile to their faces, but today, even though Elizabeth could not see Blossom's face as she walked ahead of her, she sensed her sadness.

Rue stopped short of the staircase in front of them, causing Elizabeth to collide with Blossom who shot her an affronted stare as if Elizabeth had knocked into her on purpose.

"Sorry Blossom," Elizabeth stuttered, shocked at her contempt.

"Both of you, please, pay attention," exclaimed Rue. "Only a chosen few have seen what I am about to show you. As guardians of the knowledge tree, it will be your duty to protect it."

"Why reveal it to Elizabeth?" Asked Blossom, using Elizabeth's human name. "She's not a nymph."

Rue's eyebrow's furrowed as she looked with dismay at Blossom. "Dark times are upon us and you may need Luna's help to protect what you guard." Rue smiled at Elizabeth as if to apologise for Blossom's curt remark before turning away to kneel on the floor, placing the palm of her hands flat upon the stone slab laid into the ground at the foot of the staircase.

"Vitae, manifesta teipsum mihi ego custodi," said Rue, her head bowed as if in prayer.

Elizabeth could hear a low hum emanating from the stone as Rue stood up and stepped back, and could feel gentle vibrations as the ground upon which they stood was beginning to shake. The stone slab started to move away from them, underneath the wooden staircase above and an opening in the ground lit with a warm glow, the colour of autumn leaves, revealed itself to them.

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