Roan struggled a little, but she put on some dark blue combat trousers with a white vest top. She slipped on her army boots, then her black leather jacket and sorted out her hair and make-up. She didn't look incredible, but she didn't think she had to for George. He wasn't coming to see her anyway, it was 'the three' that had to make the impression.

They all scurried around making everywhere look slightly more tidy. It was half term now and everyone had just sprawled their stuff all over the place. They were quickly carrying their belongings up stairs and coming back down for more. When they were done, they were just about ready to collapse in a heap when a knock was heard from the front door. Harold smartened himself and opened it. George strolled in and Lewis went and shook his hand.

"Welcome George, come on in. Harold here will get you a drink while you tell us what you need to speak to us about." He said. George nodded and went on through. Roan and Darren were shooed out, but they both listened at the door.

"I was disappointed, but impressed by what you had to say at the party. It was interesting what you thought. I do have to disagree with you though. We are the stronger species, do remember that." He addressed them all at this point. Harold came in then with the drinks whilst Roan and Darren kept listening.

"I want to see what progress you have made with the box if that is ok?" George said. Hazel nodded.

"Of course it is George, please come right this way." She said. George picked up his drink and followed Hazel out with the boys tagging along behind. Roan and Darren quickly moved out the way and they followed them into the training room.

"Roan! All well I see." George said.

"I do hope you can forgive me about our misunderstanding." She said.

"Of course, a gentleman will always forgive a lady, especially a pretty one." He winked. Liam coughed at this and Roan shuddered. "What is going on with this?" George asked. Liam shrugged.

"That's it, we don't know." He answered. George walked round it and then asked Roan to come over. She obeyed.

"Roan, seeing as you are not connected to the three in anyway I would like you to try and open the lid of the box." George demanded.

"No!" Liam shouted.

"Why not Liam?" Lewis asked sternly.

"What if something happens to her?" Jake asked saving him.

"Then we wont do it again." George said. Darren pushed Roan's back so she would move forward. She bit her lip as she came closer to the box. As she did the box seemed to get brighter and vibrate more. She touched the lid and tried to pull it up. It gave way easily and opened. A massive light knocked them all off balance as it shot out from the inside. What seemed to be a portal door stood just in front of Roan. As she stepped away from it, Lewis gave her a push and she fell forward through the portal hole.

"Dad you idiot!" Liam shouted at his dad rushing forward.

"No Liam it's not safe." Darren said pulling him back.

"And is it for Roan?" He questioned, he then leapt through the portal and it closed before they could do anything to stop him and change his mind.


Roan was stood in front of a small lake staring into the clear water at the pebbles at the bottom. She was surrounded by trees woodland and peace. She wrapped her arms tightly round herself and felt a sudden shake. She turned slowly to the trees behind her and the corner of her mouth turned up. She then began to run like she had never before. She moved quick, darting passed trees and occasionally jumping over bushes and trees stumps. She knew who it was and she needed to get there, she had waited weeks for this moment and wasn't going to let it go to waste.

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