"I thought you were in a rush to get to Will's," he says, opening the door for me. I step inside, Auston following close behind.

"I am, but food tops all," I tell him truthfully, getting in line to order. I scan the menu boards for inspiration even though I'll probably end up getting my usual. Not that I come here so often that I have a usual, but you know what I mean.

"Agreed," Auston says, matching my actions by scouring the menu. 

"Can I help who's next?" the guy working the register calls out. I look around to see who was next and thank God it's me. I stride over to the counter and put on a cheery smile.

"Hi, can I get the double cheeseburger without tomato and a medium fry," I ask/tell the man. He nods and taps the screen on his register a few times. 

"Would you like a drink?" he asks in a monotone voice.

"Just a cup for water, please," I tell him. He grabs a small cup from underneath the counter and sets it on a brown tray.

"Is that all for you two?" the man asks. You two? I look up to see Auston standing next to me with a happy expression on his face. I give him a confused look to which he returns a smile. I'm about to ask Auston what he's doing, but he speaks first.

"No, I'd like a BigMac with no pickles, a medium fry, and a bottle of water," he tells the worker, who taps away on the touch screen. 

"Is that everything then?" I nod and grab my wallet, prepared to pay for the meals, but Auston, of course, beats me to it, sliding a twenty dollar bill across the counter. I push his hand away and hold my twenty dollar bill out to the worker who didn't look amused by our little battle for control. Auston swats my arm away, thrusting his cash towards the register, but I intercept his hand, grabbing his bill and tossing mine to the worker. The worker rolls his eyes then goes about finding the correct change.

I turn to Auston and press the twenty to his chest with a satisfied smirk on my face. He rolls eyes and stuffs the bill back into his pocket. The worker hands me my change and receipt, telling us to wait over to the left for our food. Auston and I oblige, gathering in front of the pickup counter.

"I could have payed, you know," he says, stuffing his hands in his sweatshirt pocket. I shrug my shoulders, trying to subdue my proud smile. 

"I know, but I could have payed, too. So that's what I did," I tell him, folding the receipt I had received into different shapes.

"I was just trying to be polite," he mumbles. It's my turn to roll my eyes as a sour look forms on his face.

"I know that. How about you pay next time," I suggest before thinking it through. Cue the facepalm.

"Next time? So you do enjoy my company," Auston says, perking up.

"I wouldn't go that far, Matthews. I'd say I'm beginning to tolerate you," I reply, returning to my usual sarcastic bitch self. Our number is called out by a different worker, causing Auston and I to both lunge at the trays of food. He beats me to them, scooping up both with a proud grin. 

"Beat you," he says as if we were seven years old. I shake my head and follow Auston over to a booth. He sets the trays down on the table, taking a seat on one side of the booth. I sit on the other side, grabbing my burger without hesitation. I peel back the wrapper and take a bite, sinking my teeth into the greasy goodness. A moan slips out of my mouth as I chew my food. Auston laughs at my reaction, quirking a brow.

"Would you look at that! First date and I already have you moaning," he says confidently. My eyes widen in surprise, but I can't help my smile from growing. I lean across the table and smack his shoulder playfully.

"Fuck off, Matthews," I say, swallowing my food, "and this is not a date."

"Oh really? Because the last time I checked, a date was going somewhere with the agreement and want of both parties," he counters.

"Where the hell did you get that definition?" I laugh, taking a sip of my water. Auston chuckles as well, starting to munch on his fries. We eat in comfortable silence for a minute or so before he pulls out his phone. Oh hell no. Are you kidding me? What is so important that it can't wait another two minutes?

Auston rests his elbows on the table, holding up his phone and typing away. I roll my eyes and focus on my meal, pushing some hair out my face as I go. However, my phone buzzes just as he sets his phone down on the table. I unlock my phone and see that I have a new notification from Instagram that reads "@austonmatthews tagged you in a photo." I click on the alert which takes me to Auston's account and the photo he tagged me in.

" I click on the alert which takes me to Auston's account and the photo he tagged me in

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@austonmatthews : pit stop

Tagged: @alaskamay

21,364 likes | 582 comments

@carlyyvalentine : WHAT

@stephlachancee : @alaskamay EXPLAIN YOURSELF

@williamnylander : yes, pls ditch my party for shitty fast food

@alaskamay : @williamnylander only shitty people call McDonald's shitty

@marner_93 : date!

@marner_93 : get married!

@marner_93 : have babies!

@stephlachancee : @marner_93 too far

@43kadri : @alaskamay I hope the fries clog your arteries

@alaskamay : @43kadri me too

@carlyyvalentine : @alaskamay @austonmatthews we're waiting for an explanation here!!!!

I look up at Auston to see him looking at me.

"What?" I ask, locking my phone and setting it down next to me.

"Just thinking," he says vaguely, a hint of a smirk on his lips.

"I'm scared to ask, but about what?" I ask, knowing I may very well regret asking. He smiles and chuckles.

"You want to get outta here?"



Hi cool people. Thanks so much for the votes and comments; they honestly make my day. I want to apologize for not updating yesterday (I was one a daily update streak there). I usually sit down to write right (I cringed putting those back to back) before I go to bed, but I was so tired yesterday that I fell asleep while writing (lmao). 

I also changed the title and cover to make everything more unique because like I said, I found another story with the name New Leaf so I thought I should change it. I named it Alaska because that's the main character's name and who else names their Auston Matthews fanfic that? Oh right, no one.

Other than that, I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I know this chapter is shorter and shittier, but I just really wanted to get you guys another update. BUT, Auston posted his first pic (of the book)!! What do you guys think?

Final thing, I seriously want to start sending out messages about my updating schedule and such, but y'all have to follow me for it to be useful :)

That's it! Happy hump day, loves.

xx- Emily 

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