That's when the team hear another man in the background, "I already told you that's not your concern anymore!" They hear him say as he punches Jay again making the team wince.

"What does that mean, what have they done with her!" Erin shouted and screamed.

They carried on watching the video as they heard the man talk again, "Hey detective Halstead, why don't you say hello to Mouse!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jay said

  "Well me and Mouse are old friends you see and I remember you as well, I'm a little sad you don't remember me" The team watched Jay be beaten again until the camera cut off.

The video ended and everyone stood in shock until they watched Erin storm off towards the locker room sobbing.

At Chicago Med

Will had spent the day treating patients one by one and when he turned the corner towards another room, he saw Natalie sprinting down the corridor, "WILL!" she shouted as I ran toward her.

Natalie was out of breath but she carried on talking, "Will... the baby.... we did the DNA test... its Esme!"

I stood there in shock until she shook me, "Are you sure?" i say to her.

"Positive, you noticed something earlier didn't you, her clothes they are her clothes, come on lets go get your niece!" she said to me taking my hand.

I get to Esme's room and talk to the nurse, "How is she doing?"

"She's fine, She back up to the right temperature and she is breathing on her own."

"Okay good, She's my niece so I'm going to take her back to her mum." Will said picking her up

"Are you allowed to do that?" the nurse asked but Will and Nat both turned around at the same time, "YES!" they shouted walking out.

(Jay's POV)

I couldn't hear Esme crying anymore and i heard the guys coming back downstairs. As they opened the door they walked over to me took me down and dragged me out of the building and threw me in the back of a van. They were moving me, did that mean the team nearly figured out where I was. I wasn't really sure what was going on anymore and why they wanted Mouse as well the only thing I can think is if we both served with them when we were serving in the rangers. I had no idea where we were going but we had been driving for a while and i was beginning to lose hope as i didn't know if the team was ever going to find me.

At the district

Will walked through the district with Esme when everyone's eyes were on him watching him walk through the gate and up the stairs towards intelligence. When he got to the top of the stairs no one noticed him at first as they were to busy looking through footage or files trying to find Jay but Mouse was the first person to look up and he slowly rose from his chair, "Erin!" He said but she didn't look up "Yeah give me a minute Mouse!"

Then Mouse stepped out from behind his desk, "ERIN!" he shouted but this time the whole team looked up including Erin, "What Mouse I said... Will?"

Erin felt her legs give way and she took a few steps when she saw who will was holding, she couldn't speak she just started crying and walking towards him. she had her arms stretched out before she even got to Will and she picked Esme up and hugged her tight, "Oh my baby girl, where have your been?" she said looking up at Will. "She got brought in a few hours ago, someone abandoned her out on the street and when i found out it was her I bought her straight here."

Erin was stood with her baby girl facing Will as she was crying but then Hank stormed out of his office not realizing what was going on, "What is all the shouting about?" As Hank finished shouting Erin turned around and that was when he saw Esme and he ran over to Erin, "wha... how?"

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