Chapter two

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To say I was nervous was a massive understatement. Not only did I agree to go somewhere with complete strangers but these strangers were traveling in a JET!! You know what that means: Drama Queen's domain. We might be on better terms now that I've saved him twice but we still aren't on the best of friends. I just hope he doesn't blast me out of the sky. Talk about bad first impressions. "So sorry you died in plane crash that was just my upset set uncle!" Yeah that will go over well! Not the sarcasm. Well now everyone is looking at me like I've grown a second head. I really hope I haven't been mumbling to myself again. I've been know to do that.

      "Was I mumbling to myself again?" I asked wanting to know why they were all looking at me as if I was insane.

        The reply I got was a few nods and lingering looks from the other avengers, the attractive girl with the accent, and I guy I hadn't realized where here until now in a spandex spiderweb suit. Spider guy as I so creatively dubbed him was hanging upside down on the ceiling of the jet. Although no one was saying anything about it so I guess it's normal for him.

       The rest of the ride was uneventful other then the occasional warning turbulence from Zeus and a couple curious glances my way. It was like they half expected me to randomly burst into song the way the eyed me wearily. I mean I know I have ADHD but even I'm not that ADHD. So I occupied myself by messing with one of my celestial bronze daggers. After being on the jet for another half hour or so we landed on a large ship like thing in the middle of the ocean much to my pleasure!

As we got off the jet we were meet with many people in uniforms rushing around the deck to get things done. I followed the group as they entered the massive base. Once inside a man with an eye patch and long black coat came and spoke to the leader of the group: Steve Rogers aka Captain America. After a moment if conversing with Cap he turned and addressed me in a cold  monotone voice.

"Follow me." He said then turned on his heel and left with his coat tails billowing behind him dramatically. So I trailed behind him weaving my way through people in uniforms and and many computers. I continued behind him till we reached a room with a long glass table surrounded by offices chairs. Their were name tents in front of every chair but the largest one at the head of the table. I quickly found my name tent at the seat across from the large chair at the head of the table, it read water moccasin in bold black letters.

Over the next few minutes the avengers and friends came into the room and sat down in their designated seats. When everyone was seated pactchy started speaking.

"Hello, Water Moccasin. I'm Nick Fury director of SHIELD you are here because I want you on our side so we can make sure your not a threat. Before I offer you a position I have a few questions."

"Ask away!" I told him in an overly cheerful tone just to annoy this guy.

"Who are you?"

"Persephone Jackson but I go by Percy."

"What are you?"

"I'm a demigod, half mortal, half Greek god, my fathers Poseidon. I've lead two wars and been through Tartarus for my girlfriend."

"Where's your girlfriend now?"

"Six feet under along with the rest of my friends."

"Would you like to join the avengers?"

That question caught me off guard. Apparently it caught everyone off guard because after he ask me the whole room erupted in protest. In all honesty I didn't know if I wanted to be apart of another team but I think it's what my friends and Annabeth would have wanted. To find new friends and move on with my life so that's what I'm going to do and it doesn't hurt that they have an incredibly attractive girl on their team that wasn't protesting having me on her team.
"I'm in!"

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