For a sad little girl

Start from the beginning


Demi called me an hour ago and I gave her my address. She is on her way and I can't wait to see her! The doorbell rings and I open the door. I hear her coming up the stairs to my flat. I open my apartment door and start screaming. "Oh my god! Hello! I'm so happy to see you!" I pull her into a warm hug and kiss her cheek. "So good to see you too! I'm happy to be here!" she answers giggling and I ask her in. "Well, that's me tiny little but expansive flat!" I tell her after the short tour. "I love it, it is really comfortable and I like your style!" she says. We sit down on my couch and I smile at her.

D: "What?" J: "Nothing, it's just.. I'm excited to see you. The last time we saw each other we had a great time and I was kind of nervous that this time could be different!" I say. "No way. We are going to enjoy it as well." she says.

I look at her and notice that she looks really tired. "Everything ok with you? You look  really tired. Your face is... ?" Demi starts to tremble, "Everything ok, don't worry! As you say, I'm just tired!" she answers but I can feel there is more behind those words. I lay myself down on my back and pull her next to me. "Wanna cuddle?" I ask her as she lays her head on my chest. I stroke her back gently and she closes her eyes. "Thank you!" she says quietly and intertwine her left hand with my right hand. I kiss her forehead and we both lay there in silence. After a while she sits up next to me. "Are you hungry?" I ask her. She nods and we both get up to go to the restaurant.


It's really difficult to hide something from her. Her eyes shine through me every time I try it. But she doesn't apply any pressure on me to talk with her. She is just here for me and it seems that she exactly knows what I need.

We are in this fancy restaurant and Justine booked a table in a private part of it which I was thankful for. Although some people recognized me. It was a wonderful evening. I ate most of my meal and we laughed a lot. We definitely have the same sense of humor. At around 10 pm we wanted to leave the restaurant and I don't know why but paparazzi were waiting outside to take pictures of us. Justine looked kind of shocked and unable to cope with this situation. They were  screaming my name and didn't keep distance. "Hey, don't touch me!" I yelled at one of them. Justine looked terrified and I grabbed her hand. After some minutes we arrived at a taxi and got in. Justine told the driver the address and we left the place. She was breathing heavily and looked at me. "How for god's sake can you resist that every day! I would turn crazy!" I grab her hand and start playing with her fingers. "I'm still not used to it and believe me, I hate it too. But guess what? Tomorrow you can admire yourself in some magazines!" I tried to sound amused. "That's not funny. Not at all! I need a coffee!" she said and laid her head on my shoulder.


We arrived at my flat and we both changed into our pajamas. We drank a coffee and decided to go to bed. "Well, you can have my bedroom, I am sleeping on the couch!" I say. "No! Your bed is big enough, I have no problem with that!" she answers. I smile at her, "Ok!"

"That's a crazy life you are living. Unbelievable for a country girl like me. Seriously I take my hat off!" I tell her as we both get under the covers. She snuggles up to my side and wraps her arms around my chest. "It is hard, yes. And there a tons of things that tell me, stop it Demi! Go to collage  and learn something serious! But the feeling I get when I am on stage and being able to perform my own music in front of all those incredible people is worth a fortune. I can connect with them when I am on stage. They can relate to my music and so many fans told me that I've saved there life because of my music and my story. And this is something that makes me so proud, thankful and honored. And I can gather experiences that not a lot people can make. I travel all over the world, meet interesting people and don't forget that I earn some cash too." she explains. "No seriously, I'm not doing it because of the money. I want to share a bit of my story to tell people that it is ok to be different. That it is ok to struggle sometimes. Last but not least it's all about my music. I want to sing it out into this world!" "I love your passion Demi, I really do. I can't wait to come to one of your shows and see you perform! I even bought your album after I came back to New York and I love it! Your voice is incredible and I love your music!" Her cheeks blush. "Thank you, that means a lot!" And with that she hugs me closer. I fall asleep next to Demi and feel amazing.

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