Chapter 2 Highschool Freshman (Fish)

Start from the beginning

“Thanks Mike. That's sweet. I've never been given a gift from a boy, besides my brothers and Mark.”

“My turn.” The voice sounded familiar. “Oh no, damn.” It was my arch frienemy, and sophomore JJ, cutting in front of the line, as I hear complaints from a few boys.

“Oh, no you don't Chey.” JJ pulls me back, as I turn to walk away.

I feel his large arms grab around my waist, and his face is in my hair.

“What is wrong with you?”

“Everything is right. Chey, I've been wanting to kiss you since I was seven.”

“You have kissed me since you were two, until second grade.”

“But you ruined it Chey. You stopped being my friend. Now I think you owe me a real kiss, so we can be friends again and I'll stop teasing you.”

His words seem sincere, his breath warm on my ear lobes. “Ok.” Wait, why did I say ok? It's too late stop him. His mouth descends on my lips, his tongue grazes the line between my closed lips. He's pushing it between my lips, I open it a little. That's all he needs, and push it in my mouth exploring with his warm tongue. He tastes like spearmint. My heart beats rapidly, my chest seems to stick out more, and I feel faint. My legs are made out of jello. Somebody tell me what's going on?!!! 

JJ smirks at me as he lets go of my face. I'm so confused, I thought we were great frenemies and he has to do this! What am I suppose to do? I'm freaking confused. I hope today ends soon but unfortunately for me NO! Just gets worse as it seems like the male population of our school decides that I gave the green light to kissing me on the lips!!! Oh god, when will this torture end?!! 

'CC Help!" I yelped.

She twirled a blonde hair and smirked, "Happy birthday!'

If I could, I would kill her at this moment. 

Twenty minutes later and twenty or so kisses later...I was never so grateful in my life to hear the lunch bell ring. CC yelled, " Get to class guys Birthday party this Saturday, don't forget to bring presents!!!"

Party on or not!

How did I let her talk me into a red bikini? I never can get over her walk in closet, it's bigger than my bedroom. My family is comfortable, dad has his own company, and mom works as his financial officer, but they save and invest their money. My parents are really down to earth, that's why they send us to public school and our house is nice, but not a Mc mansion, by any stretch of the imagination.

Mark and CC didn't go to private school, because of me and my brothers. M y older brother Chase is Mark's best friend and I'm CC's best friend. We can't be separated. It's against the laws of nature.

“Are you ready?” yells CC as she knocks on her walk in closet door.

“Wait a freak-in minute Cc. I'm looking for the rest of the swimsuit.” Damn the girl for trying to make me catch a cold.

“Get your sexy a*ss out here and let me see.” I walk out hugging my body.

“I'm too fat for these tiny cloth triangles.” CC looks at me, and motions for me too spin around.

I know I'm blushing from embarrassment. I spin like a music box ballerina. “Ok, sit, I'm putting some waterproof makeup on you.”

“CC, why do I have to wear makeup? We are swimming.” I can hear the music outside blasting.

“Because this is a birthday pool party. So the birthday boys and one girl must look hot! And we know your brothers are naturally hot.”

"Guess that makes me the ugly hobgoblin of the bunch."

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