Chapter 1 Family is not always determined by biology

Start from the beginning

Gerald answered her with a "Probably."

Five minutes later they found themselves in a lovely foyer. “Mr. and Mrs. Dancer, these are the children, I told you about.” Mrs. Walter, the pleasant sounding older woman in her fifties, approached the smiling smiling middle age couple. “Like I said, they are siblings, so the father prefers a couple who will adopt all of them, together. “

The couple understood the clear message, Mrs. Walter was telling them. “We understand perfectly. We would be very grateful to be allowed to adopt them all.”

Before they had even seen the children, Gerald and Mara had decided that this was an opportunity they could not pass up. The college sweethearts had tried naturally to have children. At first, then using fertility treatments, conception devices, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and other related treatments. Gerald and his wife had tried for fifteen years to have a child, but nothing worked. The happiness they felt couldn't be contained by their smiles. Now they would be blessed with three.

Mrs. Walters smiled at the happy couple, pleased with their answer. Waving a hand to them to follow her. Their feet clattered down the marble tiled hall. It was a very comforting office. Soft colors, beige and golden yellows, arched halls and wood molding. Very elegant and inviting.

Walking into the nursery, Gerald and Mara were not prepared for the instant love they had for the adorable twenty six month old toddler and two month old twin infants. Black messy waves of hair and huge dark brown eyes looked up at Gerald and Mara. His full lips in a sad pout. “Si, mamma e papà?” He spoke Italian. Gerald and Mara looked at Mrs. Walter, questioning with their eyes. But all thoughts forgotten, as they looked at the two year old.

The sad moppet gazed at the couple, with tears threatening to fall. “Yes! Your my boy.” Mara was surprised at Gerald's outburst, he sounded so passionate and sincere. “I love you, Gerald Dancer,” the soft whisper from Mara, pleased Gerald, immensely. His wife and him, surrounded by these three small lives, took his breath away.

“Please sit down.” Noticing the chairs behind them, Mrs. Walter was gesturing towards. Gerald and Mara sat expectantly. The little boy climbed on Gerald's lap. “Papà.” Gerald pulled him into his arms.

A young woman walked in, picked up the baby girl, and Mrs. Walter picked up the baby boy. The ladies handed the babies to the seated couple. “You have paperwork to sign, but that is a legal formality. I could tell, these children were meant for you both.”

Tears that had been in Mara's heart shed and left plenty of room for the love that exploded for their children. “I'm a mother, Gerald!”

“I'm a father, Mara.” They knew, this time, the babies where theirs. After signing the papers and giving the lawyer and agency, their fee, The new expanded Dancer family left for the hotel. Their flight to Texas was going to be in two days. Gerald thought it would be good to spend some time visiting the area the babies where born in, so he had called his PA to make the arrangements for all their flights times. They had to decide on names, the biological father had not named the babies. The two year old was Raphael, but the agency said they could rename him. So after some consideration, they thought a new life, new names.

Six short years later.

Curly headed Charlotte had wanted to play with the handsome brown eyed little boy. It was her first day in her new elementary school. She was painfully shy. Without her big brother, Mark with her, she didn't know what to say. Next thing she knew, the black haired boy pushed her down on the rough gravel. Her dress was now dirty. Tears pricked her blue eyes as he then sat on her back. Charlotte didn't realize that she was crying until tears dropped on her arms. She looked up as she heard a commotion coming towards her.

“Andrew Dancer! What do you think your doing?” yelled a ferocious, black haired little girl. Her french braid with a bright pink bow, belied the not so sweet temper of the six year old girl. Hands on her hips, hitching up her pink dress. Charlotte looked up from the ground. She shivered at the indisputable power, the pretty, black haired girl radiated.

Seeing the handsome boy sitting on a dirty, crying girl, her stormy brown eyes squeezed into narrow slits. Andrew Louis Dancer, get off of her before I break your nose.” yelled the pint sized amazon.

Andrew Louis Dancer, a strapping six year old, second grader visibly gulped. If he could have hid, he would have. Andrew saw his worst nightmare, his twin sister angry.

Getting up quickly from the stupid crying blonde girl's back, he helped her up to her feet. “She fell, I tripped and fell on top of her.”

“It was an accident, Cheyanne!” yelled Jake Jackson, Cheyanne and Andrew's other best friend.

“Really.” The little girl looked straight into Jackson's blue eyes. As she kept her gaze steady on the taller boy, his eyes could not hold her stare. “Are you lying to me, JJ? Pinky swear. ”

“Yes, but she wouldn't play with Andrew. It's all her fault.” Jackson squirmed under eyes, full of her disappointment with him.

“J J, I'm not going to be your best friend anymore. You are not suppose to lie to your best friend.” Seven year old JJ, ran away to the other side of the playground, crying and heart broken.

Andrew got a black eye and was demoted from his twin sister's best friend, to unfriend status, without the use of face book or twitter. “Wait until I tell Chase and mom and dad.”

Curly blonde haired, blue eyed, Charlotte Cortez was renamed CC and had a kick butt new best friend, Cheyanne. Soft spoken, shy Charlotte's life changed for the better in second grade, on her first day of her new school, at eleven am during recess.

Andrew and JJ became best friends duo instead of trio, since both lost the very first girls they liked. Both boys never forgot the girls that broke their six and seven year old hearts.

Mark Cortez met his little sister's new best friend. A spit fire and little tornado, Cheyanne Dancer. He also met Cheyanne's big brother, Chase Dancer, his new best friend.

Who knew one incident could drastically change your life.

End of Chapter 1 Family is not always determined by biology

Should I continue?

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