Chapter 9 - Glenn's POV

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    Maggie was now seven and a half months pregnant with their child, and Glenn was growing more and more excited - and nervous - every day.  He had never pictured himself as a father - not in his wildest dreams.  Before the end of the world, we was just a nerdy, outcast pizza delivery boy.  Now he was expecting a child.  Maybe the apocalypse did have an upside.

    That night as he slept, Glenn could feel Maggie tossing and turning next to him.  He sat up groggily and muttered, "you ok?"

    Maggie sat up next to him and put a hand on her distended abdoman.  "I'm fine, just -"  She groaned and keeled over onto her side before she could finish.  She started breathing heavily and then sat up again.  There was a hint of panic in her grey-blue eyes as Glenn looked into them.  

    "Do you think it's -"

    Maggie interrupted, "No, it can't be, it's too early..." She then folded over in another bout of crippling pain.

    Glenn gripped her arm urgently.  "Come on.  We need to get you to Hershel."

    She resisted and turned her back to him; looking down at her belly worriedly.  "But... it can't..." She paused for a second, then continued.  "What if they aren't real contractions?  Just... premature ones?  That happens sometimes, right?"

    Glenn placed his hands firmly on her shoulders and turned her around gently so that Maggie was facing him once again.  Now, he could see that she was beginning to well up with tears.  She then curled into a tight ball once again as another surge of shooting pain hit her.  It was so hard for him to see her like that.  Everything that she felt, it was as if Glenn was feeling it with her.

    Glenn carefully took her into his arms.  She collapsed at his touch and broke down.  He stroked his fingers through her short, chestnut-brown hair comfortingly.  "Come on," he murmered.  "We need to get you to Hershel."  

    Maggie looked up into his eyes.  "I'm scared, Glenn.  I can't do this."  She buried her face back into his chest and let out a shaky sigh.  "Please... Just tell me that everything is going to be alright..."

    Glenn gathered up all the strenght he had left and lifted Maggie up off the bed.  He held her like an infant in his arms.  "Of course it will be alright.  I know it will.  You can do this.  You're not going to be doing this alone.  I'll be right there beside you."  He leaned down and gently kissed her soft lips.  Then, he carried her out of their cell and into the hallway.

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