Nadia: Can we go for a walk?

I thought about it for a second before nodding in agreement. I mind linked to Dylan.

Me: Hey Dylan, can you take everyone home? I'll be there in a bit.

Dylan: Why? What are you going to be doing?

Me: Nadia says she wants to go for a walk.

Dylan: Woohoo! Get...

Me: So is that a yes?

Dylan: Fun sucker. Yeah, I'll take everyone home. Just don't stay out too late. You know how Tessie worries after your one incident.

I thought back to the time when I went out for a jog and came across that rogue. Dylan ended up hauling my butt home because I was passed out.

Me: Thanks Dylan. I owe you.

Dylan: No you don't. Just let Jordan and me crash at your place whenever we want.

Me: You already know you can.

Dylan: Go have fun.

He quickly shut the mind link out and I could hear his voice telling everyone to get in the jeep. I turned to Nadia with my arm sticking out for her to take.

Me: Where to milady?

She looped her arm through mine with one of the happiest smiles on her face. This caused a smile to appear on my face.

Nadia: To a little lake. It will only take us about twenty minutes to get there from here. Unless you want to race?

Me: My wolf could use some exercise.

She nods eagerly. I figured it would be fun to run there in wolf form since I haven't let him out for a while. I slide my arm down hers then held her petite hand in mine. The sparks were going crazy in my hand as I kissed the back of her hand. I dropped her hand with a goofy smile on my face as I ran behind a tree to get in my wolf form. I heard her laugh as I rounded the tree. I quickly striped out of my clothes and wrapped themselves around each other so they would be easy to carry.

As I let my body shift into it's wolf form and I immediately stretch out. I pick up my clothes in my mouth and walk back out from behind the tree. I see a reddish brown wolf standing in front of me. I instantly  recognize the wolf as the one that I saw on the day I went for a jog and then encountered that giant rogue.

Standing before me was my mate. My mate was Nadia. I never noticed it before but now it all makes sense. The strange pull towards her, the shocks from when I touch her, the way my wolf wants me to protect her. It all makes perfect sense. So why didn't she tell me that I was her mate?

She nudged me and I snapped out of my thoughts. She jerked her head in the direction the lake is. I decide to figure out why she never told me that we were mates later. Maybe even, talk to Dylan about it.

She took off running in the direction of the lake as fast as she could. I soon caught up to her and surpassed her. I was competitive, I bet that she is too.

I slowed down a little to let her lead the way since I have no idea where the lake is. She ran right passed me the second I decided to slow down and kept running. I run up behind her and try to pass her but she kept getting in the way. I playfully nipped at her heels as she ran and she yipped then ran faster.

I must've been too distracted to watch where I was going because in one second, she's taking a sharp left, and the next, I'm plummeting face first into a body of water. I stand up after my crash and look at Nadia who is laughing her butt off in wolf form on the beach.

The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now