Ch. 2 :P

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Hey guys, here's the next chapter, hope it isn't too long :) Enjoy, and please comment and vote if you like!!

Pain. All I could feel was pain, sharply, from my head. I heard a gasp, and realized it was mine, then gritted my teeth. The action made the pain flare, but I blindly threw my arms up, even though they were stinging, and felt around my head. An indent from the metal above me was digging into my scalp, and I lowered my arms to my face. I tried to open my eyes, but they stung, and I wiped at something around them before blinking them open.

I panted at the darkness around me, barely able to make out the shapes of the car seats and steering wheel above me. Glass reflected the dusk sky all around me, and my body was sore and incredibly stiff. I tried getting out of my seat, but my seatbelt was still on. I clicked it, and then felt the door to my left, trying to open it. It wouldn’t budge, and when I looked through the window, all I saw was dark grass.

I glanced up, ignoring the glass shards, and stuck my arms tentatively out the windshield. There was barely any glass left, and I felt around outside, grabbing the frame of it and pulling. My head shot out searing waves of pain, so I had to stop, moaning, but when it faded I tried again. My head scraped past the dented metal above me, and I moved my legs numbly, onto my car seat. I used the pressure from my legs and the frame of the windshield to stand up, out of the car through the windshield. It was quiet outside, no sign of any animals, the sky a light blue against the black silhouetted trees. It smelled like gasoline, and I coughed as I tried to weakly lift my legs out of the windshield, balancing precariously on the small amount of glass left. I hopped down, hitting the grass hard and feeling my head scream in pain. I fell to my knees, clutching at my head, feeling it seep a little more blood, before the pain stopped.

I looked carefully around, noting the tears in the grass from the car falling, and seeing a broken tree up near the road. Then I braced myself, and looked at the car, bent and warped out of shape. Sheets of metal were missing, strewn about on the forest floor, and the smell of gasoline was stronger. I looked through the windshield, spotting a lock of shining blonde hair through the dark interior.

My stomach dropped to my feet, and I couldn’t feel my body as I crawled around to the other side of the car. I could see the pale body of my mom, bruised and bloody, through the ruin of her side window. Her eyes were open, but not blinking.

I felt nauseous, completely sick as I stared at my mom, mentally forcing myself to crawl closer to her. My chest contracted so I had to gasp in air, as I reached through the window, and touched her neck. It was slippery with her blood, making me retch, but I slid my hand to her artery, and paused, waiting.

Every muscle in my body let go when I felt the strong beat of her heart, still pumping life into her. I collapsed against the side of the car, clutching at my shoulders and rocking back and forth.

My mom was alive. That’s all that mattered. She and I had survived the crash, survived the wolves, and were alive.

After a few moments, I forced myself to my feet, the world spinning lazily. I held onto the hunk of metal that was our car, and reached through the window to bang around blindly for the door handle. I found it, covered with glass, and opened it slowly, getting ready. As I held it open against gravity with one arm, I moved the other around my mom’s waist, pulling on her body. She wouldn’t budge though, and I spotted the seatbelt still wrapped around her.

I shouted a curse word at the darkening sky, tugging on my mom’s body, but still unsuccessful. My arm was trembling from the pressure of holding the door open, and I panted harshly. I waited five seconds before trying again, but almost dropped the door on myself when I heard a guy’s voice from behind me, “Need a hand?”

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