Chapter 63

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I went out from the closet and wash my hand on the wastavel. We are still come to McKinley. We already got one person for glee club but it doesnt enough actually.

I turn off the tap and about to went out from the girls toilet but Sam and Rachel are talking right in front of the door of the toilet.

"I'm moving on, Sam! I'm moving on with you." Rachel's says.

"I dont trust you." Sam's voice.

"Look, they already have children and I'm totally moving on. Finn might be my first love but you are my future and please-please trust me. I even didnt have his number anymore." Rachel's voice.

Ugh I shouldnt eavesdrop this. I better go from here. I know they were arguing about my baby's daddy but this is not my rights to eavesdrop them. I have to go out from here.

I take a deep breath and open the door then went out from the toilet until Sam and Rachel turn their face at me and stop talking.

"Hey, guys, excuse me." I giggle at them and turn my way to the choir room.

Maybe that was what dad feel when he heard Finn and I were arguing about something I guess but that's not happen anymore since Finn and I are more like team in handling our kids.

I walk enter the choir room as the others are busy talking at each other meanwhile Santana, Brittany, Quinn, and Artie are out for looking for the new member in the field.

"I thought you follow Kurt to boys locker room and looking for new glee club member." I said to Finn and sit down on his lap.

"Like when I found Ryder?" Finn giggles.

"Yeah like that." I smile at him and give him a quick kiss on his lips. "But you were the former glee club director, Finn."

"Just let Rachel and Kurt did that. I dont wanna make you jealous or argue with you because I become the glee club director again and become a team with Rachel." Finn says to me.

"But if you want to handle the glee club just do that. I'm fine. And actually I accidentally eavesdrop Rachel's and Sam's convo when I was about to go out from the toilet then they were arguing about you." I said to Finn.

"Just let them. How many times I told you that I dont wanna lose you anymore and look at us. We are endgame. We already have three amazing kids. And what else we dont have now? We will move to New York and prepare for the wedding." Finn smiles at me.

"I love you." I smile back at him.

"I love you more." Finn smiles back at me and kisses me softly.

I put my hand around his shoulder and kiss him back and still sitting down on his lap.

"Ew get a room you two." Santana interupts us.

"Okay Santana just understand that we both already have children and we rarely having quality time together." I said to Santana.

"Yeah. Everytime I was trying to have make out, one of them will start cry." Finn rolls his eyes.

"Okay I got to be honest that you guys are not allowed to make out here until you bring your baby here. I'm curious with what they look like." Santana says to Finn and I.

"I already posted their photos on my instagram. Even everday." I chuckle.

"I want to see them in real, Madison." Santana simply said.

"Okay the member of Celibacy Club and the God Squad please follow me." Quinn says to us and hold a plate of cupcakes.

"Come on, we've been planning to demo glee club with Tea blablabla club." Finn says to me.

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