She was just stocking the fresh cakes into the display counter prior to the lunch rush when the door opened. Looking up she saw a man trying desperately to control two children, who were hanging one on each arm and nagging.

                “Ok ok!” He almost shouted, “you can have some lunch and THEN we’re going to school!”

They approached the counter and he studied the menu, “do you use spread or butter on your sandwiches?”

                “Either! We make fresh,” she replied smiling, “we do have a kids menu if you’d rather?”


After asking about the type of coffee, milk and sandwich fillings, he ordered for them all.  Isobel disappeared to start on the food.

Once things were underway she picked up their drinks and some cutlery and made her way to their table.

                “Do you work here alone?” he looked up at her, and for the first time she saw his eyes, deep blue eyes that she lost herself in for a moment longer than she should have.

Shaking her head she broke the gaze, “my partner is doing the sandwich run, he’s normally back for the real rush.”
He nodded knowingly, “it’s a nice little place you’ve got here.” He was looking around, “and I like the menu too.”

                “Thanks,” she was trying not to stare at him, but he really was one of the nicest looking men she’d ever seen, dark short hair, slightly unruly on top, those blue eyes, and skin that had recently seen the sun. He was wearing an elegant tailored suit, navy with a pale blue shirt and bright pink and blue striped tie. She was still stealing glances as she prepared their lunch in the kitchen.

They ate fairly quickly, the children, a young boy and an older girl wolfed theirs down ravenously, she wished Taylor was that enthusiastic about food. When she came back from the kitchen she saw their plates stacked on the counter, with a wad of money over and above the amount on their bill on top.

The rest of the day was a blur, Monday was often a busy day, and that day was no exception, there was a road construction project happening just outside town and at one o’clock every day the dozen or so workers downed tools and arrived en masse for lunch, that was without the regular trade. She was glad at three to leave.

She was just strolling into the gates of the primary school that Taylor attended when she saw the headmaster’s office door open, and strolling out shaking the headmaster’s hand was the very same man and children that she’d seen that morning.

Their eyes met again, for a moment more than was healthy, but as the girl linked her arm through his, Isobel looked away guiltily. This was hardly the way to behave eyeing up fathers at the school gate. But she had noted that he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, and it had been longer than a long time since she’d as much as been near a man. No wonder she was like a hormonal teenager. She was still chastising herself as she walked home, her hand linked with five year old Taylor, who was chatting excitedly about her day at school.

Elsie her next door neighbour had offered to baby-sit that evening, so after tea, a bath and a few bed time stories Isobel was brushing her hair in the mirror when there was a gentle tap at the door. By half past seven, she was sat in the beer garden of the Plough with a bottle of beer in front of her waiting for Orla to arrive.

She heard before she saw her best friend and her husband Tim, the arguing banter that they lived by echoed across the grass as they came out of the pub door.

Under My SkinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant