His Daughter Linda (Prelude)

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In a home with blossoming love, there lived a young princess adored by all. Her name was Linda. She was a girl as precious as can be.

With her curly brown locks and expressive brown eyes, she could take everyone by surprise.

It wasn't her witt nor her heritage, rather the laughter and joy she expressed in the presence of her father; the King.

His old frail heart was broken at the loss of his precious queen, but the little girl attempts to mend it back to health.

Her young innocent heart sees him as the person to cherish for eternity. That is exactly what she did.

Day and night she would hug him and kiss him and tell him how much she loves him.

At first, through the sadness and the grief he was reduced to tears. But as time moved on he became accustomed to her affection and eventually she had him wrapped around his finger. He would do anything for his little girl. His Little Linda.

As she grew over the next eighteen years he realized that one day someone will attempt to take his place on the throne, some will even manipulate his precious little girl to do it. He could not bare the thought of her hurt. That is when he secretly started to look for a suitable husband for her. Someone who will do whatever it took to keep her safe.

This is how the story begins to develop and it will be an interesting journey ahead.

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