Part Seven

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"How are you by the way?" Danny asked softly.

"I'm okay. " he said keeping his answer short, measured.

"Hey I forgot, you got a new partner right? Shouldn't he-"

"No. H-He's busy." Stiles quickly cut off. He does not trust him right now, why the hell was he following Stiles? Are his eyes red? Is he really a Hale? Why is he here anyway? Was he trying maybe hoping that Stiles would get taken off the case?

"-so let me get this straight. You wanna take me to The Lost? The club that hardly lets anyone that's not a model in?"

"Babe, you could be a model in a heartbeat."

"Babe?" Danny mouthed annoyed at the same time Stiles very obviously coughed causing Isaac to take a step out of Troyes space. Troye blushed furiously eyes downcast. Isaac just smirked.

"Why don't we go into my office. I have a few samples I need you to test." Danny said flashing Troye a smile that made even Stiles a little light headed. One that made Stiles a little less....shaky.

"O-oh okay. See ya Stiles!" Troye smiled and winked at Stiles.

The little shit totally knew what he was doing to Isaac and Danny.

Stiles tried to smile back, Isaac huffed at the two disappearing figures.

"So what did ya want to show me?"

"Oh yes, follow me. We found-well I should say Troye found it. " Isaac handed Stiles a pair of gloves before pushing the double doors that lead them into Isaacs domain." The boy really is quite brilliant." Stiles gave Isaac a dry look. Isaac ignored it." He found out that if...." But Stiles wasn't listening anymore. How could he, when the sliced up body of Peter Hale was in front of him. Braedon on the cool metal table right next to Peter. The thin white sheet covering up the rest of their goods, exposing the sewn up skin on their chests.



Whatever Isaac was geeking out on he stopped noticing the mood change, noticed the heavy weight in the air. Isaac came to stand right next to Stiles looking down at the body's.

"It's weird right? It's not just me? I mean how many times did we try to kill him? I just...I keep on thinking that he's really not dead. That he's going to sit up any moment and laugh at us for thinking that he could die."

Isaac huffed out a laugh." I know I wasn't really around when the Peter thing happened. But I can tell you Stiles as a Supernatural Coroner, he's dead and there is nothing he could do to come back. Nothing. His body was full of wolfsbane, so full that even now, it oozes out of his-"

"Ooookay Isaac I think that's enough."

Isaac rolled his eyes." Whatever. Oh and Stiles?"


"You'll find whoever did this. You'll give Cora the peace that she needs to change back....right?"

Fuck Stiles could feel the weight on his shoulders, could physically feel them pressing down against his lungs.

"Yes Isaac. Of course." He said keeping his heartbeat steady just as he's trained to do.

"Good. Now what I was trying to show you before you got all sad and ruined my momentum." Isaac flipped the lights off but then he flicked something else on that made the whole room shine with black lights.

"Skurwysyn." Stiles said softly eyes wide mouth hanging open.

The body's had tattoos, tattoos that twisted and curved around every inch of skin. Words were on their forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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