Chapter 2

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Everyone paused turning to look at Stiles. He could feel their eyes on him, his outrageous statement causing them to look at him with calculating eyes. "Everyone out Troye stay, ya got a black light on ya?"

"Yeah." Troye said standing up and reaching a hand in the lunch box looking thing that holds his camera in.

"Stiles." Lance huffed as Forensics started filing out of the room. "What do you mean it's not his body?"

"Dad can you turn the lights off for me? And Lance pull that ladder over here. Give me the black light and-"Stiles climbed the ladder small little black light in his hand. He reached up just as the lights turned off. He clicked the button and bam.

There were symbols all over the fucking ceiling all surrounded by a large circle. "What the fuck is that?" Lance huffed both hands on his hips thick eyebrows curled down into a frown.

Stiles reached down with his left hand and awkwardly took his keys out while explaining." This my friends is sorcery."

"Sorcery?" His dad said with a frown." Isn't that the same thing as witchcraft."

"Nope." Stiles said now reaching up and starting to scrape at the glowing ring with his keys making some of the ceiling crumble and fall over him and on the floor. "Shit, uh Troye can you somehow make sure that this dust doesn't contaminate the area?"

"Yeah sure." Troye put his camera holder down and walked over to the forensics cart. He pulled out some saran wrap and laid it out over the floor below Stiles.

"Son tell us what the hell is going on." His dad hissed his patience running thin.

"Okay so witches possess magical abilities, sorcerers are regular average everyday people with a powerful accurate book that requires sacrifices, blood, potions, and ancient text to create the magic for them to wield. "

"So the symbols aren't needed for a witch?" The tired sheriff asked.

"Yes uming no, I mean some witches use symbols but these aren't anything like witch symbols and the fact that they are written in blood gives it away. Witches don't need to write it in blood.

"Son that's not blood, it's black. Blood isn't black or translucent." His dad said eyes pinched in that- this shit is way over my head-sota look.

" Human blood yes, but werewolf blood when filled with a specific potent wolfsbane."

"Wait wait back up, how do you even know that it's not Deucalion?" Lance asked eyes trained on the blind dead body.

"Because Deucalion isn't blind anymore."

"What since when?" The Sheriff hissed.

"Since he made a deal with the Calaveras. An eye for an eye. They gave him an alpha to swap eyes with and in turn he has to work with them as their eyes on the ground floor. He takes the victim they kill it. "

"And kid how exactly do you know this?" His dad asked in that almost scolding but not quite yet tone.

"I kept my tabs on him. He never really got over the whole true alpha thing. It always fascinated him and I don't want to take a chance with just how much that fascination reaches-ah ha!" Stiles smiled in victory as the circle was finally broken. It glowed a bit before completely disappearing.

Stiles looked down and fuck his stomach dropped and his step down the latter faltered. Braeden took Dukes place a gunshot wound on her thigh another on her chest. There was some blood on her shirt but not nearly as much as it should be. The sorcerer must have taken it for another spell. "Troye take pictures of the symbols and then the new body. Dad get Elliot and Mr. Stark over here as soon as possible. I need to speak to Cora."

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