Chapter Juan

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"Detective Stilinski you got a case."

"What? Really!"


"Fuck you man."

"Look I don't like this either, being partners with a hyperactive spass who's addicted to coffee who spills coffee all the damn time, who-"

"Okay okay I get it. But you're no walk in the park either."

"Oh really and what's so bad about me huh?"

"You smell like old people, you have that weird old person smell, you chew with your mouth open, you never stop talking about your grandkids and worst of all you drink decaf."

The old man snorted crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe of Stiles' office. Yes Stiles has an office with his own name plate and everything. He finally got the job, worked his way up but now the little shits are reluctant (more like jealous) because Stiles is so fucking young (20 about to be 21 in a week) to give him his dream job. Being a Beacon Hills county detective. Regardless of his age Stiles knows he belongs here. Yeah most police departments require 4 to 5 years experience of being a police officer before they can take a promotional exam to become a detective. But Stiles just went to school for roughly a year graduated the top of his fucking class and wowed the chief on his knowledge about the supernatural thus giving him a job in the Beacon Hills County Police Department where an abnormal amount of the supernatural live.

Currently Stiles acts a bit like a homicide detective in that he'll go to a crime scene figure out if it was a homicide and then investigate if it was done by the supernatural. If it's not then he'll pass the case on to someone else, shockingly that rarely happens.

And so now everyone in the department sorta hates Stiles because they don't understand how he got the job and why he gets the ability to 'choose' his cases because they don't fucking know about the supernatural. But because he has no documentation of experience he has to be partnered up with Lance and while Lance is a good guy he's also extremely old and has an old way of thinking. He frowns upon gays, views women as lesser beings, assumes that it's always the wife or the boyfriend (which being a detective is terrible one should never assume anything) but worst of all Lance hates HATES werewolves.

Which of course Stiles finds amusing because Stiles practically is one and Scott being the 'vet' in the area Stiles and Lance often find themselves asking for his help determining if the bear attacks really were bear attacks. Lance likes Scott and Stiles finds it too amusing to try and break the news to him that Scott is a werewolf. But Lance is a good guy, he tries to do the right thing, never cheats on his wife loves his kids and grandkids. Stiles can respect that.

So when they got a call about a murder that happened in a familiar neighborhood Stiles was freaking out because he knows the address, knows the werewolf that lives there and hopes to GOD that it's his body he's going to walk into AND that Lance won't say something stupid to get them both in trouble with the people who are associated with him.

"Hey kid? You okay?"

"What? Oh uh yeah. Sorry and what did I say about calling me kid." Stiles said trying to lighten the mood from his own darks thoughts." If you call me kid again I'm going to call you grandpa."

Lance laughed." Alright, come on let's go or Elliot will have our asses."

Stiles quickly signed off his computer glad to have an excuse to procrastinate on his paperwork. He grabbed his jacket off of his seat and followed the old big bellied man out.

"Still have a shadow?" The front desk lady, Sheryl asked a smile on her lips.

"Yeah, you know how it is." Lance grumbled." Kid's smart, smarter than the other dummies here who can't even see past their dic-"

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