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Aaron grabs a damp towel, promptly wiping the sweat from his brow. Coach had really been working him hard today. It's about twice a week that the team gets to endure such a rough push. At first Aaron had complained with the rest of his team until Coach made a comment that only Aaron could hear: "Girls sure do love College Basketball Players." At the time Aaron didn't even realize that whenever Jasmine came to watch, he would always work harder and he most definitely didn't know that Coach realized it as well and decided to "help". Thankfully the rest of the team hasn't made the connection yet otherwise they probably wouldn't let her come.

Aaron flops onto the bleachers just a row below where Jasmine is sitting, resting his arm on her smooth, tanned knee. She immediately squeals and shoves him off.

"Ew! I don't want your man sweat on me, you sicko!" She laughs and wipes the residue with her shirt.

"So if it was woman sweat, it would be fine?"

She playfully glares at him. "At least we shower every day so it wouldn't be as gross...but it would still be gross."

"I guess you'll never understand the true joy that comes from..." He raises his arms and places his hands behind his head. "...airing out your sweaty pits."

"Oh my gosh!" She pushes him completely off the bleachers with her feet. He rolls with the momentum, laying flat on the cold floor. "Go get changed, Mr. Slime, before we're late for English!"

Aaron makes it quick, switching out his Basketball uniform for Jeans and a Blue T-shirt proclaiming his love for MtnDew Voltage.

They are the first ones in the classroom, as usual. He smiles as Jasmine grabs her color-coded binder from her backpack. She's always so punctual; on time is like being 10 minutes late. She quickly brushes her long, brunette hair behind her ear as the thick locks get in her line of sight. Her thin eyebrows are furrowed over her brown-green eyes as she emits an exasperated sigh and flops back into her chair.

"This is getting ridiculous."

Aaron doesn't even ask; he already knows exactly what she is referencing. He just provides a somber shake of his head.

"Did you talk to Coach about possibly skipping practice tomorrow?"

"Yeah. He wasn't happy about it, but it's the first time I haven't made it to practice all season so I used that to my advantage."

She sighs and a smile returns to her face. She places a hand gently on his arm for a moment. "Thank you so much." She turns back to her backpack to zip it up. "I just wish the situation could have been better. I don't know why my roommate feels justified in stealing my stuff. A box of pencils is only a few dollars."

Aaron begins grabbing his stuff as well, placing an extra pencil on her desk. "Don't worry, that heartless demon won't be in your life any longer after you move out tomorrow. I'll even get there early to help you get a head start!"

She raises an eyebrow and purses her lips into a semi-"duck face". He laughs. He loves it whenever she gives him that face.

"Hey, I can be early to things! Watch me, I'll be early even by your standards!"

She smiles and flips her hair behind her shoulder. "Thank you."

"Of course." He holds out his fist. "Buds for life." She returns the gesture, bumping her fist against his knuckles. "But I expect that if I have a dead body I need help with then you'll be there to not only help me dispose it, but also take the blame if we get caught."

She uses her already balled-up fist to slug him on the shoulder right as the teacher enters the room. Aaron didn't even realize that other students had entered the room already. The rest of the world just seems to disappear whenever he's with her.

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