X. Second Thoughts

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There was a soft clink as the flashlight hit the grate fifteen feet below them and then vanished through the bars, plunging their path into complete darkness again.

"I hate you."

"Aww, c'mon, Cap. I'm adorable. 'Sides, you've got them fancy cyber-eyes. It's Shay and me who are boned."

Alyssa's familiar laugh was the only thing that helped Shay keep her spirits up. The sensitive was determined to press forward, but she was well aware that they were at serious disadvantage without a light down here. She spotted something ahead. "There's a light."

"Ooh, I wonder who it is."

Kgosi threw out an arm to stop Alyssa from moving forward, catching her in the midriff and causing a small sound as he almost knocked the wind out of her. "Have you learned nothing from nature documentaries? A light in the deep dark ocean does not mean good things for the little fish."

Shay checked the little inertial locator that was hooked up to her commlink, which she'd set to keep track of their path for when they left. "It could be the meeting place. We're close now."

Alyssa squinted into the gloom. "Welp, I can't see a factory."

Their captain glared at her. "You can't see your own goddamn hand in front of your face down here. Move. I'll take a look."

Shay found herself sharing space with the engineer as Alyssa danced out of Kgosi's way. The sensitive caught a flash of emotion as Alyssa's arm brushed against hers: worry. Behind the confidence and banter, the patchwork woman seemed to be on high alert and concerned about their chances. It was both worrying for Shay and reassuring at the same time. At least she didn't feel like the only one who was on edge now. "Alyssa—"

The hand on the sensitive's arm gave Shay a brief squeeze. "No worries, Shay. We've rolled through worse. I'd love to have ADDie, but I also love havin' a ship that isn't gutted. We've got this."

Kgosi stepped back from where he'd been studying the light. "The maniac's right. We can get through this."

Despite the situation, Shay felt herself relax a little. She trusted her friends. Maybe Alyssa wasn't the best judge of danger, but she and Kgosi both were protective creatures. Most of the sensitive's worry was really stemming from the fact that they didn't have a particularly solid plan. None of them knew what to expect. The Children of Sol weren't very public figures beyond the news stories on terrorist acts affiliated with them and even Alyssa's experiences in the underworld hadn't brought her across their path. It was something the patchwork woman had said freely that she was grateful for.

"This whole thing don't make sense." Alyssa adjusted how her scattergun was slung over her shoulder as she spoke. "Why would Gnaksa promise us anythin' if he was gonna turn around and hand this crystal off to the Children of Sol? Don't feel right, Cap. Was he lyin' about help, Shay?"

The sensitive sighed. That was something she'd been wondering about too. Gnaksa didn't seem to like human supremacists, as he'd apparently considered Dajjal bad for business. At the same time, she hadn't felt deception. Then again, the crime-boss's mind had been oddly flat and cold for the entire conversation. She wasn't certain she could catch a lie from a mind like that. Alyssa was absolutely right, though. Something about Gnaksa wasn't adding up. "I don't know." A horrible thought hit her. "If he met with Dajjal..."

Kgosi frowned in the darkness, turning to look at Shay. "He didn't sound like a fan."

Shay took a deep breath. "Maybe not, but that doesn't mean he isn't working alongside Dajjal. You don't even have to know, sometimes. Dajjal...he has a way with people."

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