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It is the year of the final exam, and you and William are studying like crazy. You know how much you need to study to pass this; since your skills in practical are abysmal at best and you need at least a 'C' average to become a reaper. You are sitting on your bedroom floor with William, sifting through all your papers and testing each other when you both hear a key fumbling in the lock to your room. You inwardly sigh and William audibly and dramatically sighs just as Grell bangs the door open, arm-in-arm with Ronald. They teeter to the side, falling against your bed as Ronald trips over the end of the bed, falling directly onto it. He doesn't wake back up. You regret giving Grell a key.

"You do know we have an exam right?" William asks the redhead scornfully, not looking up from his paper. You sigh. Grell and William have been fighting so much recently. There is just so much passion between the two that, once they could no longer channel it into energetic lovemaking, they have begun to channel it into anger. Their fights are so loud, the aftermath worse than the fight itself, and it's so destructive, that ringing in your ears.

"It's Ronald's stag night! We're allowed to fucking enjoy ourselves," Grell snarls loudly, and you wince at the volume. Ronald has been dating Eric since Alan died, and is now his fiancé, they are set to get married the day after.

"He looks like he's having a great time," William mumbles, glancing to the passed-out Ronald. "You need to study!"

"No I don't! Grell defends his honour futilely. "Ask me anything!"

"What's the most effective way to alter a cinematic record without being managerial class?" William tests and you see Grell bite his lip in thought and his eyes form a vacant stare.

"I don't know," he admits with an over-exaggerated sigh. He bites his lip harshly, before his face contorts into a once-again vacant stare. "But that's doesn't mean that I have to spend all my time studying like you! You know I'm better at the practical exam!"

"Ugh," William sighed. "I don't know why we ever started dating! You're so stupid Grell!" he bellows, making you hyperventilate a little. Trying to keep your breathing under control as you have an inner freak-out.

"W-What are you saying Willy?" Grell asks daftly.

"I'm saying were through! Now get out of my house!" William points to the door. Your mind goes into auto-pilot, your literal brain bypassing all of this crisis and you simply muse 'well technically it isn't a house it's a dorm room,' as Grell runs out, his arms crossed to hides his tears. You glare a little at William, who stalks out himself and goes in the opposite direction of Grell. You mentally curse your partners; curse their pettiness, their drama. You're having your own problems right now without having to deal with them! Speaking of which...

You take the letter out of your pocket, looking with dread and reluctance at the printed text which is smudged a little because the typewriter sucks. It is your transfer letter, reminding you that your scholarship for the London reaper academy has been revoked and you are to leave and go back to your old academy within three days. No more Grell. No more William. No more London. You sigh, and after wondering what to do about this all day, finally decide that you aren't going to do anything at all. You will pack your things and leave. William and Grell are too preoccupied with their own bullshit to even notice you are gone. You sigh, scribbling down a very short note on a postet and you begin to throw clothes in to your suitcase.

You stop at a framed picture, you, William and Grell last summer, Grell trying to rock a bikini (and doing so very well) giving the thumbs-up to the cameraman. William is holding his hand over his face in embarrassment at his boyfriend, his cheeks redder than tomatoes as he stands awkwardly in his pale form and striped Victorian bathing suit. You are standing between them, rolling your eyes and dressed in a simple t-shirt and shorts. You smile a little at the picture and pack it with the rest of your things. You sigh as you close the door, taking one last look into the neat little room with the perfectly made beds – aside from the passed-out Ronald, whom you assume will be fine unsupervised – and close the door behind you, leaving the academy for good.


"This is your entire fault they left!" Grell huffs.

"My fault?" William asks. We were happy together before you decided to barge in last year and ruin everything!"

"Oh shut up William!"

"Uh...guys?" Ronald asks, leaning against your old bed, the day after you had left.

"What?!" Both snarl at him in unison.

"Uh...(y/n) got this letter...I don't think its either of your faults,"

William grabbed the letter form him and skimmed it over, his eyes widening in recognition.


GFrell reads it over his shoulder, detailing the fact that you had to transfer back to your old academy. He sighed.

"Well, you should be on your way Sutcliff,"

"Of course," Grell nodded coldly. "Come Ronald,"

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