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You walk up to your room after your last class, a nauseous dread lingering in the pit of your stomach as you run over what you will say in your head over and over. 'Hey William, you know that redhead that came to our door last week?' No, you can't say that in case William doesn't remember him. This is so difficult. You twirl your hair around your finger, a nervous habit you have when feeling intense foreboding. You sigh as you see your door, looking as normal as ever yet in your mind when you open the door it will become a gateway to hell, and the thrice-headed dog will devour you for even thinking that William will be okay with what you are about to ask him. You don't knock, just push the door open and sit on your bed as quickly as possible. You keep your head down and inwardly curse. If William was looking at you this would be easier, but since he is typing you need to call him, making it more difficult. You sigh.

"Um William?" You ask.

"Yes?" He doesn't turn to face you, just keeps typing. You are somewhat thankful for that.

"Are you seeing anyone?" You decide this to be the best course of action. Tread cautiously. Unfortunately you aren't very good at being blunt. At this question William visibly stiffens, clears his throat uncomfortably and slowly closes his laptop, walking over and sitting opposite you on his bed. You stiffen too, and are almost forced to look at him.

"You know I'm not seeing anyone," William observes, his eyebrows furrowed in thought as he scrutinises you. "What's going on?"

"I-It's just..." You begin, searching your head for the right words, but deciding that probably won't work. "I have a friend, who likes you but he doesn't want to tell you so he-"

William raises a hand to stop you. "Yes (y/n) I will go out with you,"

"W-What?!" you ask, stunned that William would even consider that... "No I didn't mean me I meant-"

He breaks your sentence off with a kiss. A chaste one; one that both parties are obviously nervous about. He is visibly shaking from agitation and nerves and so are you as you feel his lips press lightly against yours. This is your first kiss, and you know it's his too. It isn't unpleasant, nowhere near unpleasant. His lips are closed, soft but thin. This doesn't feel forced, and you don't pull away. You like it. You sit there for a long time with your lips locked; neither one of you needs to breathe. Eventually though, William straightens himself up, and you face each other. He sighs.

"Look, you're the most amazing person I've ever met," William compliments, and you find yourself shocked that he even has feelings let alone is willing to openly express them. "You are quiet and calms and you don't bully me or be nasty and you don't hurt anyone. You don't wasn't to hurt anyone. You are the least irritating person I have ever had the pleasure of talking with. I like you, (y/n),"

You feel your chest close and tightened at the compliment. You hate compliments. Now you need to say something nice back. But what? You find yourself taking far too long to form words in your head. Your cheeks feel a little hot too. All in all, you are not unhappy with your new development in the relationship between you and William. Even if he is a little...forward. William chuckles a little and rests his hand on your shoulder, but takes it back apologetically once you flinch.

"Don't worry, you don't need to say anything," William reassures, and you sigh in relieved guilt. You did want to say something back but you just couldn't.

"It's been a long day," William decides, standing up again. You silently agree as he goes onto his laptop and you go on yours to start writing up your new assignment, the silence between you more comfortable than ever before. But just as you start to get comfortable, you snap back to attention. What about Grell?

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