Or maybe he did, because no sooner did his body bend in one fluid motion. Then he was level with me his straight nose inches away from mine. I heard me gasp, and couldn't believe myself. This became ridiculous and not just a little humiliating. I had a reputation to upheld that only started with my pantsuits and included my sharp wit and fast grasp of any situation.

He moved again. Ever so carefully he distracted my purse from my fingers and began to fill it with my things again. I allowed it, not considering the consequences. The first was positive. Since he looked at what he did, the spell of his eyes at least was broken. With a glowing face, I busied myself, collecting some coins that had rolled away while I stammered, "I – I wasn't starring. I mean I was. But I didn't mean to."

The embarrassment was real. I regained enough sense however to keep the only person in the vicinity in view. He could still be a threat to more than my pride, given the schemes that I had successfully uncovered.

When I raised my eyes to him, I caught him reach for and eye my lock pick set. Rapidly, I tucked it from his hand and hoped that the emery board, scissors and the other manicure tools that I had added would fool him. All that was left on the floor was my phone now. He seized it and immediately shifted it to his other hand so that he could look at his fingers.

Curiously, I took the phone from him and turned it around. Tony's fingerprints were still all over it. I grinned sheepishly. "These would be marshmallow and chocolate cookie remnants from a little phone addict."

"Your child?" he asked, cleaning his hands with a wet tissue that I provided him with.

I laughed out, releasing some of my nerves. It was a slow track back to my usual self, especially since I absorbed a little bit more of this man with every breath I took. "Oh God no. I babysat this morning. A long and equally embarrassing performance than the one I just delivered."

He fished my phone from my purse when I put the pack of tissues back in, and started to clean it. I couldn't believe that I allowed him to touch it, again. But I was mesmerized by his long straight fingers and their precise, effective moves.

"What are you doing back here?" he asked, only for a moment taking his eyes off what he was doing. "It's off limits for guests."

Astonished, I looked around once more. "Oh, I didn't know that." Of course, I should have known it as soon as I recognized the differences in my surroundings. This practically screamed business end, offices, staff rooms, storage, things like that.

Thanks God, the man seemed to see the humor in the situation. His head shook as he looked at me, but he laughed. "You passed a door with a large sign saying Staff Only," he teased, pointing behind him.

I looked away and chewed on my lower lip, genuinely puzzled. "I passed a door?" I asked while lines formed between my eyebrows.

He reached over to smooth them. "Where have you been in your thoughts? I'm almost jealous of the man that has knocked you off your socks, before I could find you."

"Don't. I didn't have these kinds of thoughts," I blurted out, still to occupied with the fireworks that erupted on my forehead after his fingers had withdrawn again from my skin. After a deep breath, I added more sedated, "But speaking of the person that has caused my absent mind, I need to find my way back to the banquette hall."

I rose to emphasize the point that I meant to return where I belonged. It was what I had meant to do before he showed up. Obviously, he was some kind of employee at the hotel, or he wouldn't be back in this area. So, it was a reasonable thing to ask him. I eyed him as he straightened up as well. I didn't stare. I was interested in the quality of his suit and the craftsmanship shown in its tailoring. This masterpiece perfectly wrapped and complimented his stunning body. The hotel must pay its employees well that he could afford something like that. And it clearly chose them to fit the ambience.

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