Reader x Bill - Alliance

Start from the beginning

"What if I want to have a friend?" A crooked smile played your lips as you teased the wall. This is the kind of insanity that ended you up here.

We could make a deal about that, the voiced reasoned.

"Really? You actually want to be my friend?" You sat up straight, your eyes widening at the idea of not talking to yourself again. Honestly, you were getting sick of yourself.

There's a difference between want and will, kid

"But you'll be my friend either way, so it doesn't matter! Let's do it right now! I'll take the deal." You shout and stand up with excitement tingling through your bones, "What do I have to do?"

Whoa slow your roll hot-shot, I'm not your typical talk-about-boys type of friend. And it's not a friendship, more of an alliance.

"An alliance? How so?"

I can help you in ways you can't even imagine

After the words were said, the locks on your straight jacket loosened and fell. A crazy smile crept on your face as you slipped out of the small, torturous garment. How long has it been since you were able to move your arms? It honestly didn't matter anymore, now you would never have to wear it again.

"Oh my god! It feels so good to be free!" You stretched out your arms and wrists, basking in the lost ability.

"Think you could open the door while you're at it?" A chuckle escaped your lips.

Whatever you want kid, but first we have to seal the deal, the triangle figure from the blood display began to move on the wall. It stuck out a drippy hand for you to take. Eagerly you grabbed it, the blood soaking into your palms.

When the handshake was over the hand sloshed to the floor, splatting against it very nicely if you do say so yourself. It looked amazing on the white tile. With the hand you shook with, you smeared blood on your face like war paint. The door popping open stole your attention from the little make-up session.

The chance to be outside again was wide open. You took one step, then another, and another till you were running out the doors of your white room. Adrenaline sparked in your veins. Nothing could spot you now.

Other freed cell mates sauntered around either dazed, hysteric, or trying to escape at the sudden release. Guards and doctors scrambled to get people under control, which made you laugh. People like you could not be contained. This is what you loved, pure utter chaos.

The whole asylum is open, kid. All the other kooks are out too so be careful! I need your meat sack in good condition.

"Alright, mom." You pivoted to the right, weaving through a mess of psychos and guards.

Bursting through a pair of emergency exit doors was simple enough. For years you've memorized this place. Every cell and hallway were embedded in your mind. You had every piece to escaping except for how to get past the security look. Thanks to Bill, everything fell into place.

A breath of fresh air awaited your lungs, "Damn, it feels good to breath real air!"

Scaling the outside fence was no problem. What did you do with all your free time? Train yourself for a day like this. Sit-ups and leg drills often beat talking with your snarky conscience for a time killer.

'Where do I go from here?' You thought, hoping Bill would answer quickly.

Hide in the woods until dark. I'll throw the hounds off track but you're still on your own, so I'd watch my back if I were you.

You proceeded to sprint to the forest located behind the asylum. Supposedly they were there to help keep the patients feel less at an asylum and more at home. Now it would be your cover for escape. Home is where you can hide, you used to say.

'Then what will we do afterward?' You stalked in circles around random trees to help throw off your scent.

Night was turning in and the sky grew a deep rich blue. Summer cicadas hummed as if to sing to the moon. Rough bark kissed your back as you lazily swung your legs on either side of the tree's branch. It wasn't until after you climbed the tree to hide in did Bill answer your question.

After tonight, we're going to pay a visit to a place called Gravity Falls

"Sounds like a road trip! I love road trips," You rest your head back, daring to fall asleep.

"It's clear we're going to be great friends."

Surprise! If you didn't figure it out yet, but I'm sure you have, the reader is insane!
Also, if you're the one who requested the Insane! Reader, please comment below so I can put your name at the top!

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now