Child! Reader x Bill 2 - Crayon Drawings

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(Requested by a LOT of people, so here you folks!~ )

"Well, here we are," You and Bill stood outside of your house.

It wasn't big nor too small. Just a cream painted two storied building with a red roof and a couple of windows. It was cute like you, tiny and adorable. Bill shook that thought out of his head.

"Tank you Mister Triangle," You yanked Bill down by his arm and gave him a tight hug. Surprised Bill stood in shock as your arms wrapped around him. Was he feeling something? Surely, it wasn't pain. This was different. You pulled out of the hug with a huge smile on your face.

"Promise to visit me okay?" You held out your pinky.

He did the same and curled his around yours. Bill couldn't feel anything better than this, he felt happy inside. Was this what it felt like to help someone, and not torture them? He liked this feeling a lot better than pain actually.

"Promise," He said before ruffling your hair, "Now go home short stack, your Mom's probably freaking out."

You giggled and gave Bill a kiss near his bow tie, "Tanks again!"

Then you quickly dashed over to the front door of your house. Bill saw as you brought your tiny hand onto the door, knocking it lightly. All of your movements were so darling, Bill couldn't help but chuckle.

After a few more soft knocks the door flew open and there stood your mother. She was fairly tall, a plumpy kind of curvy but not too plump, and her brown hair was messy tossed like she ran her hand through it a billion times. Her brown eyes were struck with worry that disappeared once she saw you.

"Oh (Y/N)! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Your mother cried as she grabbed you into a warm embrace. She hugged you close and you hugged her too.

"Sowy I snuck out Mommy, but Daddy wouldn't let me play outside."

'So little (Y/N) snuck out, huh? I like this kid's rebelliousness,' Bill scoffed. He was invisible to you and your parents. He could do that if he wanted and he was doing it now. He decided to stay and keep an eye on you since he had nothing better to do.

"Now, don't you ever do that again okay? Your father and I were very worried," Your Mother looked into your eyes. You felt a tingle of guilt. It was her job to look after you and care for you, she was a mother after all.

"Honey? Have you had any luck finding (Y/N)?" Your father's voice rang.

"Yes, I found (Y/N)," She glanced back to you. There was a smudge of dirt on your face. She licked her thumb and rubbed the dirt away.

"What happened? Where was she?" Your father ran up to the door frame. Your eyes bore into your dad. He had your qualities, same hair color, same eyes, same skin. If anything, you were like the female version of your father.

"She snuck out, again."

"Yeah, cause you woodn't let me pway outside," You complained and puffed out your cheeks. They grew a flustered red as your father smiled. Your mother just rolled her eyes at you.

"That's because it's too dangerous pumpkin, the monsters would get you!" Your father picked you up and swung you around, causing smiles and laughter to come out of you. He then pretended to bite on your neck as you squirmed in his arms.

"Om nom nom!" He lightly chewed on your neck.

"HAHAha! Daddy Stop!" You beamed.

Bill felt something pull within him, making him feel angry but not completely furious. He wanted to be the one to hold and play with you like that, he wanted to be the reason you smiled or giggled with glee. But alas, he did not have a solid vessel.

"So my little adventurer, what did you find while exploring out in the woods," Your father asked as he set you down on the couch. Your Mother went to the kitchen to go make some snacks, you told her you were hungry after the adventure.

"Oh, well, I fought this monster who had lots of teeth!" You made fangs, "Luckily Teddy here helped me fight him," You said patting your backpack, making Bill mentally smile, "But after the fight I got lost and I met this Mister Triangle who helped me find my way home."

"Oh, and what did this triangle look like?" Your father asked, curious about the shaped figure. You made a triangle with your fingers, about to imitate Bill.

"He looked like this," You put the hands over your eye, causing your Dad's face to pale, "And was yellow and had a bow-tie and a top hat," You grinned at your Father. He didn't smile back.

"And what did he do again?"

"He helped me home, and I made him promise to help find you and Mommy," You answered. After a moment of silence, you stood up. It was awkward and a bit random. 

"I'm going to go color now."

Then you bounded up the stairs, through the hallway, and into your room. When you got there you grabbed a few sheets of white paper and began to color, unaware of the conversation your parents were having in the kitchen below. But Bill knew.

"If Bill knows what's good for him, he'll stay away from our child," Your father grunted, his fists clenching.

"Gerald, you know how Bill is. I told you about what happened to me and my brother, he's not safe for (Y/N)," Your mother gave scared eyes to your father. 

'Please, as if I would hurt the little human,' Bill felt his anger boil, but he simmered it down.

"(Y/N)'s a strong kid, love. She'll be fine," To calm her down even further he grabbed her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"What if he comes back?" She asked frantically, "I'll call Dipper. He'll probably know how to solve this."

'Oh, so little (Y/N)'s Mother is Shooting Star?' Bill sighed and left the room, floating through the walls to go into yours, 'That explains how (Y/N) knew not to trust me, but the little human did anyway...'

Bill hovered over you as you drew with a yellow crayon. He liked the way your tongue stuck out as you did your moment of genius. Your hands tried so hard to draw straight lines so they form an actual triangle and not bloated one. Next to you were failed bloated triangles scribbled on paper. They looked funny, a cute kind of funny. Bill then made himself visible to you.

"What'cha drawin' there kid?" He asked. Surprised, you peeked up at Bill and suddenly flipped over your paper.

"No! You can't see it until I finish it," You pouted. Bill rolled his eyes.

"Come on short stack, lemme see," Bill protested. You shook your head.

"Nuh uh," Your hand shooed Bill away, "Turn around."

"Fine." Bill turned around as you requested.

While you were coloring what was left of the picture Bill took a look around your room. It was a small room, a tiny bed with colorful floral patterns next to a window with white curtains, a dresser that was just a bit taller than you, and right smack dab in the middle was a snow white table with little stools around it. The same table you were coloring on.

"Finished!" You called, "You can see now."

When Bill whipped around the first thing he saw was himself. On a blank sheet of paper, you had drawn him. He was colored in yellow, there were 4 straight black sticks on the sides, which he assumed were his arms and legs, and you even put in his hat and bow tie. It was at this moment Bill wished he had a real vessel so he could give you a hug. 

"Oh! Oh, wait!" You forgot something, "I need your name!"

"Names Bill Cipher," Bill said. He eyed you as you wrote his name under the drawing of himself. You did spell his first name right, but you spelled Cipher wrong. Instead of 'Cipher' there was 'Cifur'. It was a small mistake but Bill didn't mind. He loved the artwork too much.

When you were done you stared proudly at your work.

"There! Bill Cipher, my new best friend!"

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now