Blind! Reader x Bill Cipher - Deal's a Deal

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(Requested by Subgic, I really liked to write this one! It has a twist...
Anyway, onto the one-shot!~
P.S. Next one should be the child reader! :D )

He was always there.

Everywhere you went, no matter how far you went, he was there. Of course you couldn't see him, you were blind since birth, but you could always hear him. You heard him whisper in your ear. His voice was techno and high pitched, but he knew when to tone it down so it wouldn't hurt your highly adapted ears.

He always said to you where something was, what a person what doing, and what everything looked like.

In some ways, this strange person was your guardian angle. (Horrible grammar, but not gonna change it cause lolz) You felt as if this person was a blessing sent down from above since you were given the eyes of the poor.

Though, what you didn't know was that the person wasn't angle nor a guardian, but a demon. As said before, you didn't know that.

But you always wondered why others couldn't hear or see him, only you. That was where the guardian angel theory came in. The demon, who could read your thoughts, laughed upon this. He was the exact opposite.

"Go to the left." You followed the instructions and quickly moved to the left. Your focus was on the gurdian's voice, but also on the area around you. You were walking in the city, on your way home. School had just finished and you were walking back home, but your gurdian wanted to take you somewhere else. Something about a schedule. 

"Are we there yet?" You asked.

"Not yet, have patience," Your gurdian seemed annoyed and anxious to get where ever he was taking you. After a few more turns and a long walk, Bill took you where he wanted you. You could tell where you were but you didn't know which exact street.

You could hear cars zooming past you, the chit-chat of people, and the kids playing the park just across the street. One kid was crying because his ice cream fell, yes even you could hear the mush of the sweet hit the cement ground.

"Okay, kid. I'm going to cut you a deal," The voice said. You nodded your head.

"Alright, what kind of deal? And what's the price?" You said, this person always helped ypu when it came to gambling. After all, where was your family going to get the money to help you? You owe this person a great amount of gratitude.

"The price is that I just need a simple puppet, and in return you get your sight restored," Your breath hitched in your throat.

'My sight restored? That means, I can finally see the world, I-I can see my family,' You smiled.

"So how do I get my sight restored?" You asked.

"Simple, when you shake my hand, you'll be able to see again, and then you can help me get my puppet," The voice said with a hit of excitement. You held out your hand, waiting for the person to shake it. Admittedly, you were also excited, but about you getting your vision repaired. You didn't really know why your guardian was excited.

Suddenly you felt a warm presnce on your ahdn and you took it, shaking it lightly.

You heard some laughter, 'What's going on?'

Then for the first time in your life, you could see clearly. Everything was so, so colorful. Bright with a splash of vibrant life. It was amazing.

You blinked and rubbed your eyes, taking off yourspecial glasses. You could see the streets, the green of the grass from the park, the trees and how they shook in the breeze, and also the people who walked on the sidewalk. How each and every one of them was different in their own nature.

Then you took notice of where you were. Your guardian took you to a bus stop, but why there?

"Hey, hey shortstack," You heard the familar voice of your friend. You turned around.

Okay, so you half expected to be there some angel with wings and a gorgeous face but no. Instead was a single yellow triangle with a top hat and bow tie. This gave you a shock of surprise.

"You? You're my guardian angel?" You cocked your head.

"Something like that Kid, but to be specific I'm a demon, a dream demon," Your face paled.

'I made a deal with a devil...' You started to back away.

"You can't leave kid, you have to hold up your end of the bargain," The demon said.

"O-Okay, well let's go find you a puppet, which kind do you want to get?" You asked. You wanted to get this over with and have that demon out of your life. The demon grew large in size and it's single eyes turned into a slit and red.

"You." It whispered.

The next thing you know is that you were engulfed in a huge wave of pain. Your knees buckled and you were on the floor, holding your head. It felt like something was murging in with your soul. You had tow halves of you now, and the other you knew wasn't yourself.

"AHahaha! It's been a while since I last inhabited a body," Something said, with your mouth. You started to fight over the control of your body. 

"Just give up (Y/N), we have a deal, you're my puppet now," You smiled, even though you didn't want it. Then a bus slowly came into view. It lurched to a stop, right where you were kneeing.

"Just on time," You said. This wasn't you. 

Without your own will your legs moved and stumbled to get onto your feet. You felt horrible as the demon took possession of your body, you felt violated. You thought you could trust this person.

You walked onto the bus, stumbling and falling. The bus driver gave you a weird look before closing the door. He and the other people on the bus watched you as you made your way to the back, tripping all the way.

'W-Where are you taking me?' You thought, since that was the only thing you could do.

"Gravity Falls, Oregon, there is some business I need to attend there..." He cackled ad smiled.

You looked in the relfection of the window. Your eyes were slits, just like the demons. 

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