"YOU FUCKING PRICK" Keith landed on his side after being thrown across the room by Shiro, who now scattered to get to the door, laughing maniacally at his own victory.

Thankfully, what Keith lacked in size, he made up for in speed.

He raced Shiro for the knob, beating him only by a fraction of a second.

Of course Shiro ended up pushing him aside anyways, leaving Keith on his ass against the carpet, as he opened the door and closed it behind him.

Keith was gonna kill his brother.

"Hello there!" Shiro exclaimed, shutting the door behind him to greet the friendly looking boy who stood before him, trying to sound like he hadn't just been wrestling his younger brother for the doorknob, mere seconds before.

"Oh, hi! You are..?" Lance asked, curious about the handsome man standing before him.

"I'm Shiro. Keith's brother." Shiro didn't shy from adding emphasis to his name, ever since Keith first came out to him, years ago, Shiro didn't tire from trying to get him a boyfriend, and this opportunity practically threw itself at him.

"Ah, I'm Lance," he nodded before breaking out his signature grin.

Shiro smiled back, 'He seems nice', he thought to himself, before extending his arm to shake the younger boy's hand, "Nice to meet you, Lance."

Lance smiled, which faltered for a moment when he noticed the arm stretched out for him. He didn't notice the metal underneath the older man's long sleeves before, but Lance's falter only lasted for half a second before he immediately shone a genuine, sun-like smile and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Shiro. Now, if you don't mind me asking, may I speak to Keith please?"

Shiro smiled joyfully, 'Well he's got my blessing'.

Keith was flipping out.

He stood there awkwardly in his red, plaid pajamas and black "MOTH-MAN FOR PRESIDENT" t-shirt he'd gotten for Christmas from Shiro.

'I can't let him see me like this' Keith thought, panicking about his lack of time to prepare.

He quickly jet back to his room, and picked up a simple gray top from the floor that looked decently clean, hurried into one of the dozen black skinny jeans he owns, and threw on his red, college sweatshirt.

He inspected himself in the mirror, he looked pretty good considering he had five minutes and it was 'too fucking early a'clock in the morning'. He straightened his sweatshirt, thinking about combing his hair before thinking to himself, 'Who am I trying to impress anyway?'

He sighed at himself before leaving his room.

He didn't "like" Lance.

Did he?

I mean sure, the guy was attractive. But Keith thought lots of dudes were attractive.

And many of those dudes weren't so obnoxious all the time, or bothered him in the middle of the night.

Many of those dudes also didn't have girlfriends.

But, many of those dudes also didn't go out of their way to make Keith feel welcome, nor have the patience to deal with his "fight or be fought" attitude.

"Whatever, I don't like him like that, and I don't care what he thinks of me" Keith told himself, before walking out of his room.

Seconds later he came back to grab his black ponytail and tied his hair up, cursing at himself for being a 'fucking loser' until finally reaching the door to his home, reaching for it slowly and turning the knob.

Writing The TidesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora