Looking up Rachel saw Kathryn laying out eggs and butter on the counter. She hadn't even heard her come in. The older girl gave her a tired smile and Rachel managed to force her weary feet to stand. Rachel was grateful though when Kathryn took on most of the work. She hardly wished to make a mistake in her sleep deprived haste. Alice and Kathryn had enough to worry about in meeting Torvald's demands without her making more work for them with carelessness.

Given easy tasks, Rachel found that work was effective in temporarily waking her. Though she wasn't very hungry, she managed to eat breakfast with the others when they came and, once they left, she tried her best to put forth every effort to work through her groggy haze. Alice had left Kathryn a long list of tasks and she wanted to be useful. She knew her friend needed her. But no matter how much she wished to help, by mid-day, Rachel's sleepless nights were once again taking their toll again.

At some point she remembered Kathryn's concerned voice telling her to sit at the table to rest for a moment, offering her a sandwich and water to refresh. Instead of eating lunch, Rachel lay her head on the table and fell asleep.

    "We have work in the main house." The sound of Alice's stern and judgmental voice was what woke Rachel from her uncomfortable slumber, her head foggy.

    "But, Alice," Kathryn protested, "We have yet to finish any dinner preparations for Master Torvald's meal. I thought that..."

    "I will not be questioned, Kathryn," Alice answered, cutting her off. "I have given orders and I expect they will be followed. I hope that in spite of letting Rachel sleep you have done all the other chores you promised you would?"

    "The poor child is exhausted!" Kathryn said, a clear frustration apparent in her tone. "Can't you see that, Alice?"

    "And she must learn to adjust like the rest of us," Alice answered back before turning her attention to Rachel.

    "Get up, girl," she said sharply, suddenly sounded more like Gifre and the slavers had before Rachel came to the estate. The memory made her shudder, but Rachel was quick to comply.

    Rachel and Kathryn followed Alice to Magnus's study where they spent the afternoon dusting the already immaculate room. Rachel could not help but wonder why Alice would have them employed at such a pointless task. Surely there were more pressing things to do in the kitchen. Torvald was very particular in his meals, Rachel knew that at least. And Kathryn had seemed quite worried that they would not be prepared in time to serve him.

     But if Alice was concerned she certainly didn't show it. Though Rachel did notice the old woman continue to cast quick glances at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room, she nonetheless seemed be throwing herself into the task of making the already immaculate room shine with almost unnatural polish.

    It was a few hours later when, at the chiming of the large clock, Alice announced that they should now return to the kitchen to begin dinner preparations. Rachel cast an uncertain glance at Kathryn. Alice was certainly in a strange mood, and she wondered if her friend knew why. As they walked back to the kitchen, Rachel lagged behind.

    "She seems upset," Rachel whisper to Kathryn.

    "Hush, Rachel," Kathryn admonished. "Alice is under quite a bit of pressure. I'm sure she is just anxious to finish all of our tasks and meet Torvald's high standards."

    "Hurry up both of you," Alice snapped, turning her head to glare at them. "There is work to be done."

    "Come, Rachel, we can't keep Alice waiting," Kathryn said, hurrying to catch up. Rachel did the same, but as they walked into the kitchen, her eyes opened wide. Kathryn stifled a scream.

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