second year ➤back to diagon alley

Start from the beginning

An odd hand sticking up from one of the counters catches my eye and curiously, I wrap my own hand around it. Faster than I can process, the hand tightens around mine causing me to jump in surprise. I squirm, struggling to free myself from the hand that won't budge, until finally I free myself, wondering why on earth someone would want that in their home.

Deciding I've had enough of this creepy shop, I walk straight out the door to figure out how to get myself out of here. The outside of the shop looks quite similar to the inside. Dark, foggy, and ominous. Sketchy passerby's stare at me and their whispers give me chills. Walking further down the alley a bit, desperately wanting to return to the Weasley's a man jumps in front of me, glaring as he blocks my path. Avoiding eye contact and quickening my pace as I step around him, a caped woman now jumps out and physically stops me.

"Not lost," she questions with big eyes and a creepy voice. "Are you, my dear?"

"I'm fine," I reply shortly. "Thank you. I-I was just..."

I lose my train of thought rather quickly when more people begin swarming around me. The same woman places her hands on my shoulder.
"Come with us! We'll help you find your way back."

"No, please!" I reply.

"Harry?" Calls a familiar voice.

Relief fills me entirely and I whip my head to see Hagrid, to my rescue. The people quickly scatter off in different directions and I run lightning speed over to my giant friend.

"What'd ya think you're doin' down here?" He scolds. "Come on," racing up the stairs to meet him, he pulls me off in a different direction.
"You're a mess, Harry! Skulking around Knockturn Alley. Dodgy place. Don't want no one to see you there. People will think you're up to no good."

"I was lost," I protest. "I- hang on. What were you doing down there then?"

"Me? Oh. I was... I was lookin' for Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent.  They're ruinin' all the school cabbages," he replies.

No more questions needed, I thank Hagrid for coming to my rescue and bask in the delight that is the ever so familiar, not at all terrifying, Diagon Alley.

Your P.O.V

"(y/n)! Would you hurry up already?" Hermione calls from the bottom of the staircase.

"Ok, ok! Just five more minutes!" I reply.

Hermione groans impatiently and I grin. This summer I've been taking longer to get ready because unlike Hermione I value sleep, and if I don't get a full nine hours you really want nothing to do with me. Also, it does drive Hermione crazy, and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't keep her on her toes like that.

The two of us rush excitedly to the car where her parents drive us to Leaky Cauldron. I grow more and more excited as we get nearer and nearer to our arrival.

"We're almost there," Hermione says nudging me excitedly.

I look out the window and laugh. "No we're not."

Hermione frowns for a moment, quickly shrugging it off and continuing to bounce around in her seat. I laugh again, her excitement sparking my own as I grow more and more anxious to get to Diagon Alley

HIS CHOSEN GIRL [MAJOR EDITING/REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now