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  • Dedicated to Kumi, Haruka, and Madoka - my co-authors and friends

Running is good for your legs, yes, but when does a real lady run? Not a girl, a lady; that’s a keyword there. I, Kyoko Kanagawa, second year high schooler, seamstress part-time, do not run… until now, anyway. Okay, as a Lolita, this is completely out of my element, but when robot assassins are after you because you’re guilty by association you don’t have much of a choice in the matter. Vivienne Westwood’s darling rocking-horse ballerinas are simply not helping any. I was looking desperately for Loli, Yuko, Shun, anyone, “Loli, help me~!” Sure enough, here came my darling Loligon, “Loli!”

                Poor Loli could barely comprehend what happened as I slammed into her and we fell over with a ‘thwam!’ on the ground. Her big brown eyes blinked up at me, “Miss Kyoko, please get off of and behind me so I can handle our little friends, if you’d please.”

                Oh Loli, you are perfect in every aspect… though your umbrella sword and tank purse terrify me… but you are my best friend. If you return to New Rococo… what will I do? I’ll go back to being lonely, isolated, and alone in its purest form. I cannot live like that, please, take me with you… make me one of your people…

                I couldn’t let Loli return to her home planet without me… I watched as she fought off the assassins with that deadly grace; even among death she was perfect. Once she had finished my pursuers off, she turned to me, her face shadowed with worry, “Miss Kyoko, are you quite alright?”

                “Yes… Loli… before we catch up to everyone else… I have a question I’d like to ask of you…”

                Ding, okie dokie. Before we get too far into this, I do believe that starting from the beginning is necessary for proper development.  Before we do, I am Kyoko Kanagawa; pleasure to meet you, dear reader. Until just recently, I was your average high school Lolita; shaping my own identity to get ready for the outside world until it became utterly messed up thanks to some bald scientist guy with horrible clothing taste and his gang of baddies. Has this ever happened to you? Or is it just my bad luck? Well, no matter if you haven’t or have. I’m begging you to hear me out. Everyone else thinks I’m insane… who else would believe that my best friend came from a different planet or that there exists a mind controlling bonnet? Just sit back and listen a while to my tale.

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