Chapter 20 ~ Complicated Feelings

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Marco's POV

"G-Goodnight Star!" I let got of her hand and quickly enter my room. My heart is beating a mile a minute and my face is on fire.

I just kissed Star...I JUST KISSED STAR!

The realization sinks in only making me more and more embarrassed. I mean, it's not the first time we've kissed, but it's the first time I initiated. Last time she just caught me by surprise but this time, I was the one who kissed her and it was just...different. I jump into my bed and bury my face in my pillow to hold back any internal screams from slipping out.

What...what'll I say to Jackie? But no– Star said she wouldn't tell her, but would that be right? Will I even be capable of facing Jackie knowing that I kissed Star? How am I even gonna face Star tomorrow morning?

I yell into my pillow and begin punching and kicking my bed, not knowing how else to deal with these complicated feelings. The worst part wasn't even the fact that I'd kissed Star and would be lying to Jackie about it... The kiss with Star made my heart race in a way that was hard to ignore.

What does this mean? Do I like Star like that? But I'm dating Jackie! The girl I've had a crush on for years! So why is my heart beating so fast right now?

It'd be a lie to say I got any sleep that night even if my thoughts exhausted me. I got up when I could smell breakfast and came face to face with Star as I was going down the staircase.

Crap! I didn't prepare myself on what to say when I'd see her–

Star smiles, " slept in late." Something about her tone and demeanour both scared and pissed me off at the same time. "I was just coming to wake you before breakfast got cold."

She's acting as if nothing happened? I-Is that what I should be doing too then?

When I looked into her eyes, they smiled back at me energetically like the usual Star. Still, my eyes fell to her feet. I could feel my cheeks redden as I stutter, "o-oh, thanks. I-I'll go eat then..." Trying to walk past her as casually as possible, I hear a little snicker from behind me.

Ah, so that's it. She's teasing me.

Footsteps sound from behind and I know that Star came back down the stairs and was walking behind me. I grabbed the bowl of cereal first and started to eat in silence.

"So about last night–"

I spit out the cereal when she mentions last night and look over only to see her surpressing a giggle. "W-W-What about last night?" I ask.

"'s nothing," she playfully sticks out her tongue and returns to her own breakfast. This girl.

More silence.

"Y'know I really won't tell Jackie," she says after a moment and I nearly spit out my food for the second time. I turn to look at her and she looks serious this time, "I mean, you've had a crush on her since you were little right?" Star gives me a pained smile, "I wouldn't want you two to breakup over something like this when you've finally told her your feelings after all this time."

"What about your feelings Star...?"

"Heh..." she sighs, then looks me straight in the eyes, "I've kissed you twice in two days! That much should hold me for a while and when I start to feel sad again, I'll call up the girls to go chill in the Bounce Lounge for a bit."

A devilish, mischievous grin spreads across her face. "I've kissed you twice in two days! That much should hold me for a while!" She says that so casually, meanwhile I'm over here freaking out! Even so, seeing her giggling and smiling wholeheartedly like this for the first time in a while makes me happy. If she gets her happiness out of teasing me, then so be it! As long as she doesn't cry or look that miserable again, I wouldn't mind being teased about this for the rest of my life.

"I'm glad you're back to your usual, energetic and bubbly self Star," I blurt out suddenly and stare down at breakfast again.

"I'm glad to be back, Marco!" The blonde shoots up from her seat energetically and gives me a thumbs up. She then plops back down again and lets out a sigh of relief, "hmm, you wanna know something? I was really scared to tell you how I felt at the start, but now that all is said and done, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

Question: How does one respond to this kind of statement?

"Oh, yeah, um, I guess it would be a relief...eheh..."


"But well, you still haven't given me a reply to my confession, have you?"

I have been set up once again.

Does she expect me to answer now? Like, now as in, right NOW?


Star stares at me intently, as if expecting an answer.

"Uhh...well, uhh..."

"I'm just teasing you," she smiles and hits the small of my back just a little too hard. I dive headfirst into the remenants of my cereal bowl. When I lift my milk-and-cereal-covered face to look at her again, she covers her mouth and somehow gets out the word, "oops," between muffled giggles.

I sigh this time and burst out laughing too. Yeah, I know I must seem like a lunatic for laughing after getting a face-full of cereal, but I finally realized that I had been nervous all of last night and this morning for no reason at all. Star didn't seem to be angry or embarassed, so why should I be?

So I laughed, and she did too. And the two of us laughed and laughed until our sides hurt and I could feel the milk seeping into my skin.

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