Who works

178 4 83

Ok this ain't a chapter just saying who works here but you can still ask too work here or be a kid but so far we have 

Jade (author)

Name? Undyn99

Name? Modthertist 

That's all the caretakers in the daycare so far and if you want too be a kid or a caretaker  just tell me message me or comment down below bye and if your wondering how too sign in the daycare this is how comment at the bottom 





Caretaker or kid?



Fave hobby?

Back story or no?

Powers or no?

Crush or no?

Fave food?


My oc

Name: Jade (not real name in real life)

Age: random I turn into different ages highest age is 20 so one day I'm young and the other an adult

Gender: female

Spices: human, monster, magic particuls and Magic 

Caretaker or kid: both

Looks: two pigtails a frilly dress like a long tutu ballet sandles looks shy and innocent a medium sized echo flower her hair is brown red too yellow tips 

Personality: innocent shy kind helpful strong lovable lovely adventurous abit gullible 

Fave hobby: ART DEFINITELY WITH DRAWING singing dancing playing Pokemon go ( I'm such a pokeMONGO 😂) dress making friend making and make stuff come too life 

Back story or no: hmmmm I don't know cus i change age everyday so not sure 

Powers or no: yes all the powers so strong but she always hides them unless for special occasions or just laziness 

Crush or no: Ink idk why if he was an adult yes so probably no wait I change age everyday so ye

Fave food: rice tuna or cornbeff and MANGOS

extras: she can't resist mangos diamonds or jewels she cares for her friends than herself and her family ( her family try's too kill her )

So ye tell me in the comments section below bye mor dares and asks plzzzz

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