"So Cooper's a bad person for standing up to people who talk the same way you're talking right now? Is that the only thing you know about him? I see the way you judge people in church. I saw you even look at Mrs. May here, and then turn around and stick your finger in your mouth.-"

"DaKota." My mother warns me, but I don't loose eye contact with Mrs. Hewitt as Mrs. May gasps in disbelief. 

"If you think that makes her a bad mother, you should check under your son's bed and see all the adult magazines and pot  pipes under there." She dramatically gasps at me, and I just smile sweetly at her, "Y'all have a nice day now." I say with the best-prettiest smile I can give them and then I walk away from them, my mother apologizing behind me. 


Coffee pot in hand, I laugh at the table full of story-tellin'-cowboys, they sure could make any one's day. I fill each of their cups, giving them a smile and then left to go make other rounds at booths and tables. Sunday's were my favorite, because of church, then the church crowd at the diner, and they are usually my craft days also. 

I looked at my family, sitting along the island counter, deciding not to go over to them because I didn't want to get scolded, again. Oh, you betcha I got scolded after the Mrs. Hewitt incident, but I really didn't care, because I knew I was right. "DaKota, come here." I hear my father's voice behind me and I mentally curse and turn around and go towards them. 

"Yes?" I ask them going around the counter, putting down the coffee back onto the hot plate. 

"We're going to Missoula after this, to go sort out stuff for the wedding, you need anything before we leave?" I smile at this because maybe I could get Cooper to come over for bit, since we haven't had some time together in days. 

"No I'm good." I have to bite my lip to keep my smile from growing.  

"Why are you smiling?" My brother raises his eyebrow at me. "You're not thinking of having a boy over are you?" He jokes and I roll my eyes, even though it's what I exactly plan to do. 

"I'm just excited for the wedding." I play off and they all nod once and then I'm off back running around the diner, helping or serving people. 

I rip the order ticket out of the pad and then place it on the order 'merry-go-round' yelling, "Gotta a new one." and then Maybell comes from the kitchen, balancing plates in her hands. "Let me help ya." I say and literally take plates from her hands. 

"Thank you honey." She says and then I follow her to her table and give the correct plates to the correct customers. As we turn to leave the table she says, "Cutie at table six." I roll my eyes, but it turns into a smile once I see the cutie she's talking about. I can only see the backside of him, but I knew it was him. He was wearing his National High School rodeo jacket, that jacket looked so good on him. 

"Maybell said there was a cutie over here, but I wasn't expecting you." I tease him as I stand in front of the booth. His eyes light up when he sees me and his pink lips turn into a smirk and then he chuckles. 

"Well hi to you too. I ran into your parents on the way in, your dad actually said hi to me." He says, surprising me in a way. 

"Well that's surprising. So did you just come here to see me, or get food?" I say to him, having a hard time hiding my smile. 

"Of course I came here to see you, I missed my girl." His smile could make someone rob a bank and then make them turn themselves in after just because he told them to flashing them his smile. 

I lowered my voice a bit, "My parents are leaving for the day, wanna come to my house after you're done eating?" His smile widens at my invitation. 

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