I smirk at Auston's reaction, but he recovers quickly.

"I really think the floor wears 34 the best, don't you think?" I say, sounding more suggestive than I anticipated. It's Auston's turn to smirk as the words tumble out of my mouth.

"Damn, Laska. You could have said something earlier," he says, looking down at me. Why must my plans always backfire?

"Not the point, Matthews. Now when are we leaving?" I ask, walking out the bedroom door which opens to the rest of his condo. Everything was crisp white with sleek accents. Huge windows showing off the Toronto skyline run along one of the walls, allowing sunlight to pour into the space. I continue my tour through the condo, trying to find my clothes from last night so I could leave and ask Carly to come pick me up. 

"Where are you going?" Auston asks from behind me. I don't bother turning around before answering.

"I'm looking for my clothes then I'm going to ask to borrow someone's phone so Carly can come pick me up," I say, searching the living room.

"It's fine, I can drive you home in a little," he says.

"A little?" I ask, quirking a brow, "why can't we go now?"

"Because it would be rude for me to not feed you before you leave," he says, smiling. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"What are we having?" I ask, following him into the kitchen. I lean against the counter as I watch Auston root through the fridge. He emerges a few seconds later, holding a box.

"Are muffins okay?" he asks, holding up the box. I nod my head and lean further against the counter. He seems to notice, his body language becoming rigid.

"Can you please put some clothes on?" he asks, pointing to a shirt that sat on the counter. I think about it for a few seconds before shaking my head. Auston frowns in annoyance and groans.

"Please put the shirt on," he begs, pushing the shirt towards me. I smirk at his attempts.

"I'm really okay, though. It's kind of hot in here," I say, hopping onto the counter and grabbing a muffin out of the box. 

"For fuck's sake Alaska put the damn shirt on or I'll...," his sentence runs off at the end. I raise an eyebrow at his unfinished statement.

"Or what, Auston?" I counter with a smirk. He steps closer to me, dark eyes boring into mine. Muy breath hitches as his hand grazes my bare thigh, making me regret my previous decision. Auston's hand cups my knee then works its way upwards, stopping immediately when he hears the front door open.

He scrambles over to the fridge, throwing the shirt to me on the way. Reluctantly, I pull the shirt on and brace for whoever was about to enter the kitchen. In movies, it's always the mom who walks in on these situations. I really hope that's just a stupid cliché. The footsteps become louder until they stop abruptly inside the doorway to the kitchen.

"Oh shit, this is way too good," Mitch's voice exclaims as he points between Auston and me. Shit, this does look really suspicious.

"Mitch, it's not what it looks like I swear," Auston starts, glancing at me. I nod in agreement, tugging his shirt down further, so it would cover more skin.

"Bullshit, I've heard that one before," Mitch says, walking deeper into the room with a huge grin on his face.

"He's not lying, Mitch. Nothing happened. Carly left me last night with my keys, so Auston offered to let me stay with him," I explain, throwing a side glance to Auston. Mitch hums in disbelief. 

"I really want to believe you, but it's just way more likely that you two fucked all night and morning," Mitch says with a smirk. Both Auston and I yell in protest at Mitch's accusation.

"Fuck off, Mitch. I was just about to take her home, right Alaska?" Auston asks. I nod in confirmation then glance between Mitch and Auston.

"I was actually just about to go get my pants so we could get going," I say, excusing myself from the room. I speed walk back to Auston's room and start searching for my clothes once again. I find my jeans hanging half on the dresser and my shoes on the floor in the corner, but I can't seem to find my shirt. 

Groaning, I tug on my jeans and shoes, feeling my phone still in my back pocket. I exit Auston's room and venture back to the kitchen where I find Mitch and Auston talking about something I can't catch. They both look up when I enter the room, Auston rising from his seat.

"You ready to go?" he asks, walking over to me. I nod and give a small smile.

"Let's go then," he says, guiding me towards the front door. I wave to Mitch on our way out who smirks and waves as well. Auston opens the door for me, allowing me to exit first. Before he closes the door behind him, he shouts to Mitch.

"I won't be gone long, but if I come back to a mess in the kitchen, you're dead, Marner," he yells to Mitch.

"Won't be gone long? You must have hella short quickies, my friend," Mitch shouts back. I try to suppress my laugh, but I can't help it anymore. Auston glares at me before leading me to the elevator. We both get in, Auston pressing the button for the parking level. 

We stand in silence for a minute or so before Auston smirks while looking over my appearance.

"Gotta say, 34 still looks good on you."



Sorry this is so short, but I hope you guys liked it. Also, peep the new cover. I found the pic on Tumblr so creds to whoever made it.

Other than that, look for an update sometime soon! Thanks for all the votes and comments; they are much appreciated!!

Enjoy the weekend while it's still here :/

xx- Emily 

Alaska || Auston MatthewsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang