How They Hug You

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Dean always hugs you like he's going to die tomorrow - because there's always a possibility he might. He wraps his arms thight around you, hooking his arms under yours. His head resting on your shoulder and yours on his. You will stand like that for a while before he pulls away and kiss your lips or forehead.


When Sam hugs you he picks you up, one hand on your waist the other between your shoulder blades. He will crush you in his strong arms and you will do your best to crush him back. If he's really happy he will pick you up and swirl around.


Cas hugs you with his arms around your shoulders and his head on top of yours. Unless you're hugging because you're crying then he will hide your head in his collar. He hugs you firmly, but without crushing you. When you're done hugging he will bend down and kiss your cheek.

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