Markiplier X Reader

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You walked through the door of your bedroom after one hell of an exhausting day at work and plummeted onto the bed with a groan. Your body ached and was practically begging for a massage. You had almost passed out then and there, had it not been for Mark walking in and seeing you lying there on your stomach, fully dressed and still above the comforter.

"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this," he stated, leaning against the door jam with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Shut up," you groaned into the pillow.

He stood up straight and made his way to your position on the bed. Sitting on the edge, he started running his fingers through your hair, slightly massaging your scalp with every pass.

With a sigh, you could feel almost all the tension in your body melt away.

"You're basically a cat," he said, chuckling. "Did you have a long day?"

You nodded and mumbled, "Very."

"I'm sorry to hear that, babe. If–"

"Stop talking and just hold me," you mumbled into the pillow, cutting him off.

Mark gave a small laugh and took off yours and his shoes. He then laid down and wrapped his arms around you. You rested your head upon his chest and gave a sigh of contentment as his fingers ran through your hair again.

After about 30 minutes, Mark tried getting up and leaving–figuring you were asleep–but you weren't having it. You gave a groan and a small "no."

Softly, and reluctantly, you asked him, "Stay the night. Please."

"Do you at least want to get under the covers?"

You groaned and gave him a playful shove.

"Shut up." And started to get under the covers.

With a knowing smile, he sarcastically retorted, "Do you want me to leave?"

Once you got situated under the covers, you looked up at him and pulled off his glasses, setting them on the nightstand and stated firmly, looking up into his eyes, "Just. Hold. Me."


(3/7/17) I'm going to clarify that yes, I haven't posted mucho in like, a week...

I am so sorry for that little big gap of a time called a break. It felt weird without any posts or new stuff much, but...

I guess that there's so much to expect in this one.

Please keep checking for any new ones!


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