Jackson stands still for a moment before he nods. "Fine."

And then he's running up the stairs and I let out another breath. I step outside and walk to his truck. I run my fingers over the shiny surface and close my eyes. My mind takes me back to last night when the sky was as dark as the black polish and the stars were dusting us with their magic. And Jackson was kissing me with his.

I hear the car beep and my eyes open again, almost blinded by the sun. Jackson opens the door for me and I get in, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

The ride is silent and I pretend to be busy on my phone. I have six missed calls from Hailee and twenty-three from Tyler. Twenty-three. How is that even possible? 

Me: Hey, sorry I didn't answer .


Me: Jeez, calm it with the caps lock.. I'll tell u l8r...

Hails: U okay?

Me: Idk. 

Hails: I'll be @ ur place in and hour<3

Me: tnx... love u<3

Hails: love u 2<33

Jackson is giving me long glances and I can just tell he's itching to say something.

"What did I do?" He breaks the silence after five more minutes.

"Stop here," I say. I see my house a few houses down and get him to drop me off here, to avoid Tyler seeing him. Seeing us together.

Jackson does as I say but as I'm about to open the door he locks it from his side. I turn to glare at him. 

"Seriously Jackson? Let me out."

"What did I do wrong? Was it last night? Did I say something?"

He seriously has to ask?

"No, it's not about last nig-

"Then what is it?!"

"You killed someone!" 

It's like I just fired off a bomb. It's deadly silent and I'm afraid of what'll happen next. After what seems like a decade of silence I hear the click of the door unlocking. Jackson is staring straight ahead, his fists clenched around the steering wheel, face neutral.

When I realize he's not going to say anything I swallow the lump in my throat and push the door open. I close it with a slam and I've barely taken a step back when Jackson speeds off, leaving me half-broken. Is it wrong that I wanted him to fight for me, even if I'm pushing him away?

"Where the hell have you been?!"

Those are the first words I hear when I enter the kitchen. Tyler is stood towering over me, trying to be all intimidating.

"Get out of my way Tyler."

"Get out- get out of your way? Get out of your way?!" Tyler is almost livid and I would've laughed or at least poked fun at the vein popping out of his forehead if I wasn't so tired.

"Yes, get out of my way." I try to walk around him but he sidesteps whenever I do.

"That's not your shirt. Have you been seeing Jackson?"

"No." Now I'm the one mad and I'm giving him a deathly glare.

"Then where were you?" Tyler crosses his hands over his chest.

"None of your business."



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