4 ~ Holding On

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"(Name). Hello? Earth to (Name)?" Yukizome's voice pulled the assassin out of her thoughts, making her jump.

"O-Oh, sorry Ms. Yukizome." She mumbled, looking down at her desk.

"Please pay attention to class. It's important stuff, y'know." Yukizome lectured, and (Name) nodded. She stared at the board as to act like she was paying attention, but her mind was racing. 

Komaeda had noticed the assassin's displeasure, making him frown. He thought she looked so hopeless, and that disappointed him. He found the hope she carried pure. The way she wanted to make friends and wanted to open up made him feel as though despair didn't exist. 

Don't get him wrong, he wasn't attracted to the girl, but more with her hope. He wanted nothing bad to happen to the hope inside of her. If that hope was destroyed and replaced with despair, he would feel broken. 

(Name) sighed softly, and when she was going to excuse herself to go to the bathroom, the door to their classroom swung open. Everyone turned their heads to see two girls, one with blonde pigtails, another with short black hair. The assassin felt her heart drop and her eyes widen, knowing nothing good could come from them visiting her class.

"Ah, Miss Enoshima, Miss Ikusaba. Nice to see you." Yukizome greeted cheerfully.

"Hello~! I'm here to grab (Name) for a few seconds, if you don't mind!" Junko grinned. 

"I suppose it's ok for now. (Name), go ahead. Don't take too long." Yukizome nodded. 

Why couldn't you just say no?! (Name) scowled to herself. She slowly stood up, shakily walking past her curious classmates and out the classroom, the sisters following her. 

"Why are you visitng me in class?!" (Name) hissed.

"Big sis, come on! We just wanted to check up on you!" Junko giggled, and (Name) flushed red. 

"B-Big sis...?" She mumbled.

"Yep! (Name) is my big sister!" The blonde cackled, nudging her twin. "Right, Mukuro?"

"Yes." Mukuro nodded. (Name) shook her head. 

"Whatever, call me what you want... That's not why you're here though, right?" (Name) bit her bottom lip.

Junko smirked. "Ding dong, you're correct! You have to do that thing tonight. Mukuro and I have plans for a few days, and we need that boy to work with us. If you don't do it tonight, I'll kill a few of your classmates." She threatened, whispering the whole time. 

"A-Alright, I got it.. Now don't visit me anymore, got it? Not during lunch, not during passing period, never again." (Name) scowled, turning on her heels and walking back into her classroom. Everyone watched her, and she just shrugged it off. She quickly sat back in her seat, nervously tapping her foot. Yukizome was writing something about how the Scandinavian Countries were all at war at one point. But (Name) wasn't paying attention, too busy worrying. 

Nagito scowled as he sensed the despair dripping off her. He knew the sisters from earlier had something to do with the despair. Call it a lucky guess, but he was worried. Eventually, Yukizome dismissed them for lunch, and he quickly stood up. 


"H-Huh?" (Name) blinked as her name was called, making her snap her head up. He smiled down at her.

"Let's go eat lunch on the roof together, hm?"


"So, what did you want to talk about?" 

Becoming Despair (Nagito x Reader) [Hiatus]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang