Chapter 3: Meet Sam

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Chapter 3 is up!!! Pleaseeee comment & vote when you read! I always get people reading but no one bothers to vote or leave a comment letting me know how it's going :(


Chapter 3

“Hey Anna, over here!” Sam waved frantically until Anna spotted him squashed against a corner with a drink in his hand. She gladly pushed her way towards him and sat down on the soft black leather sofa.

“I don’t know why you guys attend parties like this.” She mumbled whilst taking off her blazer and planting it firmly on her lap, “You and Gwen are the worst party animals ever.”

Sam laughed, flashing white teeth and ran a hand through his jet black hair, before giving Anna his brown eyed stare. She slapped him from across the table, “Don’t you dare try it, Samuel Johnson! I’ve become immune to that adorable face of yours.”

Sam grinned, “So you agree that I am in fact, extremely handsome?”

Anna rolled her eyes, but laughed at his childishness. She and Gwen had met Sam during their second week at University, and she still had no idea as to why someone like him would hang around with her. Sam was what you would call ‘the popular one’ if you were in school or college. Girls literally threw themselves at him whenever they got the chance (which was quite often mind you), and what was worse, was that Sam loved every moment of it. But deep inside, somewhere in that troubled heart of his, Anna knew that Sam actually wanted a true girlfriend, someone that he actually loved. But until then, he would keep having ‘fun’.

“Who’s party is it anyway?” she asked, looking up at him from beneath her fringe.

“Uh... Some girl called Lindsay. She’s my partner during our lab sessions and she helps the fuck out of me.” Sam explained. Anna flinched when he swore, just like she always did. And as usual, Sam ignored her. “She invited me over and said to bring my friends, and so...” Sam shrugged and took a long drink from his glass.

Anna sighed, “I thought I was going to be the late one. Where is Gwen?”

“Come.” Sam stood up suddenly and held out his hand, “Let’s dance.”

“No. Way.” She replied slowly, shaking her head frantically, “I don’t dance.”

“Come on Anna, please. I want to dance, it’s so boring sitting in one corner all the time. If Gwen was here I wouldn’t have asked you.” He gave her the look again, and Anna’s heart melted. “Please, please, pleaseee.”

She hesitated for a moment and Sam knew that Anna needed one last little push. “I invite you to these parties with me because I know how much you love making friends. But there’s no point in coming if you’re not going to take part in the main activities.”

That was it. He knew that Anna would not back down now. In just a few months, Sam had really gotten to know Anna Wilson. He knew how shy, independent and lovely-minded person she was, but Sam also knew that Anna would never want to upset her friends. And that was why she was so dear to him.

Sam led her to the dance floor and wrapped an arm around her small waist. She was so fragile that he was scared of snapping her into two. The slow music placed a nice vibe to the room, and even Anna was feeling a shift in the atmosphere. There were loads of couples surrounding them, each one of them swaying slowly to the soft melody. Anna swayed along with them and only stopped when she caught Sam staring at her.

“What?” she felt herself blushing deeply, and felt the vibrations of Sam’s laughter.

“Nothing.” He shook his head, “You look like you’re floating in tranquillity. It’s a good thing.”

Anna ruffled his hair, “I’m just making the most out of this moment. I’m pretty sure that soon a hot girl will find a way to whisk you away from me.” She teased, flicking his cheek.

The tune continued to run and more couples had joined. Anna really did feel at peace. She had no idea why people swayed to these romantic tunes, but it felt right somehow. Sam’s stares were making her feel self conscious, and she could feel herself blushing even more.

“No girl would be able to take me away from you, Anna.” He whispered into her ear, “Not even if you wanted them to.” Sam’s arms gently tightened around her and he buried his face in her neck.

She had a tingly sensation run through her back and butterflies had come alive in her stomach. How on earth could it be that Sam, out of all the people in the world, would have this effect on her? No way. She did not have any feeling for him. It was natural for any girl to be attracted to him. He is gorgeous... So gorgeous that he passed as a model so many times. Sam couldn’t and wouldn’t possibly be attracted to her. Anna was plain and Sam was Greek. Simple as that. The thought of even placing them together would be like trying to eat chalk.

“Ah, there you two are!” Gwen barged her way towards them, and Anna pulled away from Sam. She wanted to speak to him and ask him what he meant, but the look on Sam’s face instantly made her bite her tongue. Sam looked normal. His face was pulled up into a smile at the sight of Gwen and he was now wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Anna stood back and silently watched. Did she only just realise that this was the way Sam acted towards every girl? How could she have been so stupid? Anna was usually smart at almost everything; it was as though she had some sixth sense. But when it came to Sam... She always felt like a little girl who had been rewarded with a big fat lolly-pop.

“Yeah, I forced Anna to dance with me.” Sam winked at her, “My usual dance partner wasn’t here, so you know...”

Gwen laughed and tucked her hair behind her ears, “I was with David, he needed help with his CV, and then I just lost track of time.”

Sam twirled her around, “Ah well that doesn’t matter, you’re here now.” He looked behind his shoulder to see if Anna was watching, and had a moment of panic when he couldn’t spot her. His eye flicked towards the end of the room, near the door and was relieved to see her standing next to a bunch of girls.

“Who are you looking for, Sam?” Gwen asked, “One of those girls you’re trying to avoid?”

Sam shook his head as his eyes narrowed slightly. Anna wasn’t alone from what he could see. She was talking to some guy. Anna never spoke to just ‘any old guy’. Sam’s heart began to race. Damn it, calm down Sam, he thought to himself, you’re practically on the verge of becoming obsessive. He shook his head and turned his back towards Anna. This night was all about having fun, he couldn’t possibly spoil it for himself. But the thought in the back of his mind continued to nag at him. But you did spoil it for yourself Sam, it said, you let Anna Wilson get away from you due to your own stupidity.



Who is Anna speaking to? And does Sam really like her??!! Will he admit it to himself?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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