Chapter 1: I Said I'm Sorry!

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Hello everyone,

So I've decided to write a new story along with MM, please give this a go and let me know what you think :)


                                                                      Chapter 1

Anna waited patiently in the queue. She had no idea why she put up with this every morning, but it simply had to be done. Maybe it was the fact that everyone else had the same idea as herself, or that the guy behind the counter asked for her number every day, but there was something about this place that really got on her nerves. All she wanted to do was grab a vanilla latte from Costa on her way to the lecture, but apparently it wasn’t as easy as that.

The same thing would happen each day. Anna would wake up at precisely seven o’clock in the morning and get dressed and rush out of the door. Then, on her way to University, her stomach would rumble and she would decide that a quick latte should stop the growling. However, once she enters Costa, the line of people would always make her weigh out her options. Should she wait in line and end up being late, or should she just attend the lecture and embarrass herself for the ext two hours, all because her bloody stomach wouldn’t stop howling. In the end the stupid latte would always win.

And now, here she was. Thankfully the line was constantly moving, and after ten minutes she found herself face to face with the guy she dreaded seeing every morning. Andrew Donnelly. Anna didn’t even know why she remembered his name. Probably because he wrote it on her cup each day with his mobile number just beneath it. To be honest, he wasn’t even that bad looking. His dark brown hair flopped over his matching eyes, and his fair skin would always have a hint of red beneath it. But looks weren’t everything to Anna. According to her, and maybe majority of the women in the world; personality counted just as much. And Andrew Donnelly was an arrogant, selfish bastard, who deserved to be locked away and not shown to the public. Anna had seen the way he treated customers, and it was far from nice.

“Hello there Anna.” He smiled at her and she tried hard to smile back, “The usual I take it?”

It annoyed Anna even more that he just assumed she would take away a vanilla latte, and it literally irritated her to the edge knowing that he was right in assuming that. She nodded and tried again to smile, whilst knowing fully well that her face must look as though she was in some sort of pain.

“You look very pretty today.” He winked, as he handed over her cup, with his name and number clearly written on one side.

“You’re too kind, Andrew.” She said, trying to grab her sugars and tissue as fast as possible and getting the hell out of that damned place.

“I’m still waiting for the day you give me a call.” He continued, oblivious to the fact that Anna was trying to walk away from him.

She laughed weakly and turned on her heels to make a run for it, only that didn’t end up happening. What did happen, was that Anna turned around and bumped into the person standing in the line behind her. Her drink split all over the man’s coat and his expensive looking shoes. She was honestly and rightly horrified and had become speechless. Her body seemed to have frozen and she could not make herself look at his face.

“I am so sorry.” She squeaked, aware that people were beginning to stare.

She felt a strong pair of arms pulling her to one side, and knew very well that death was eminent. The coffee shop was busy, so she hoped that the man would kill her quickly, instead of making it long and painful. This was not how she pictured herself to die.

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