Chapter 2: Damn He's Hot!

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Hello there, it's me again! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and please do leave your comments behind! I'd love to know what you all think :)


Chapter 2

The following day Anna half expected to see the strange man again in Costa. She was more so curious to find out more about him, and the fact that he was dressed in disguise (she figured that much out) was drawing her in even more.

“Medium latte for our own beauty princess.” Andrew grinned and handed over her plastic cup. Anna smiled and hurriedly walked away. However, before she could make it to the door, something caught the side of her eye.

There was a man sitting on a lone table by the far end of the shop, next to the window. His face was buried in a newspaper and his bag was on the chair opposite him. Now on any other day Anna would have continued to walk on, but she was surprised by what the man was wearing. A sand coloured beach hat was placed firmly on his head, so that the colour of his hair could not be made out. Dark shades covered his eyes and a thick woolly scarf was wrapped around his neck. He looked up at her and as she tried to divert her gaze, Anna just was not quick enough. She knew it was the same man as yesterday. Only he would dress like such a nutcase. But Anna was shy, and easily intimated. She did not want to cause a scene, and even more so, she did not want to be seen staring at the man who stuck out like a sore thumb.

“It’s you again.” He snarled as he approached her. They were standing near an empty table that Anna was just passing, and she was glad that everyone was in a rush and did not have any time to stop. Anna dropped her gaze and slowly felt the colour rush to her cheeks.

“Oh, hello there.” She tried to smile and looked up at him, “Are you enjoying your coffee?” she knew that she was going to be late yet again, but it would seem extremely rude if she walked away from him... Especially seeing as she had ruined his clothes yesterday. Come to think of it, today he had on a new black full length coat and a brand new pair of dark brown vans. Wow... He was pretty wealthy.

“Well, I was enjoying my coffee... And then I spotted you staring at me.” His voice was low and muffled by the rather large scarf around his neck.

“I-I wasn’t staring.” She stuttered, whilst knowing fully well that she had been caught in the act.

His lips curved up into a small smile, “Do I frighten you, Anna?”

Anna stared up at him, unable to hide her surprise. “How do you know my name?” she blurted out, before she could stop herself.

The man grinned this time, revealing a set of pearly white teeth, “Oh, I know all about your little love affair with the coffee boy. I also know that he loves re-writing his name and number on your cup.”

She looked down at the cup she was holding and blushed again when she noticed Andrew’s number on it. Anna tucked her hair behind her ears and bit her lips softly. She had no idea what to say.

“You should give him a call sometime... Put the poor boy out of his misery.”

She stared at him again. His face (of what she could see of it) was not pulled into a frown anymore and his lips were lifted into a smile again.

“Uh... I-I’m not really interested in him like that.” She said, feeling quite confused as to why she was explaining herself to this strange man. He just nodded and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

“Umm...” she stumbled over her words again, “I really must dash. I’m going to be late again... Just like every day.”He gave her a slight nod and retreated back to his coffee and newspaper.

Anna left the coffee shop feeling quite disappointed more than feeling relived. She was glad that they had sort of gotten over yesterday’s incident, but today had left her feeling quite confused. She didn’t even know his name and she so badly wanted to ask as to why he dressed like the way he did. Anna also had a gut feeling that she would be seeing more of him in Costa, and to be honest, she did not mind one bit. She liked making friends, and even though it did take her a very long time to make friends, the thrill of it was in actual fact captivating.

“Oh, Anna!” Gwen shrieked, “What am I going to do with you?!”

Anna hid behind her sheet of papers in the library. She had ditched the first lecture, because it would be too embarrassing to walk in late, especially when the lecture was fifteen minutes in. And now she knew that she had to face the consequence; Gwen’s personal lecture.

“I don’t know how you do it! You’ve hardly attended any of the lectures this semester and you still somehow manage to achieve top marks in all your essay and assignments!” Gwen plonked down on a seat next to Anna and glared at her friend, “It’s just not fair to us humans. You have got to start waking up early girl!”

Anna groaned, “Gwen, please, I’m trying to at least catch up on the first lecture, before the second one begins.”

“Well good luck on that, I can tell you now that Hones spoke a load of bullcrap.”

“Err... Gwen I actually kinda get it. I’ve got a few more points to go over and I’m done.”

“See! This is what I mean!” Gwen wailed, “What planet are you from?!”

After the lecture had ended and both girls were headed home, Gwen stopped in mid tracks. Anna turned to look at her friend and was surprised to see her staring at a huge poster pinned on the wall. The poster was of a young man posing on stage with a microphone held in his hand and an army of cheering girls in the audience. He had a flock of thick blonde hair, electric blue eyes, pink lips and a long nose. Anna actually found him quite attractive, but did not bother looking again because she was not interested in people like that.

“O-M-G!” Gwen squealed and jumped in the air a few dozen times, “That’s him! It’s him, it’s him!!”

Anna raised a brow, “Who is he again?”

Gwen was not surprised that Anna did not have a clue as to who this magnificent poster boy was. “It’s only Ricky George! The hottest guy in the planet, and the best singer in the world! He’s won loads of awards already and he’s only started singing like three months ago! He’s been going all over the UK just singing and promoting his album, and guess what?! He’s performing in the Wembley Arena next month! I am totally buying the tickets, and so are you!”

“Ooook...” Anna said slowly, trying to register all the information Gwen had thrown at her in the space of ten seconds. “I’ve never heard of him and frankly I don’t want to waste my money going.”

“Oh come on, Anna please!! I want to see him so bad, and maybe I can even grab and autograph of we sneak backstage. It would mean the world to me! I don’t have anyone to go with, and to be honest I’d much rather go with you!” Gwen gave her the puppy eyes and Anna gave a defeated sigh. It was so typical of Gwen to drag Anna into everything. But Anna secretly did not mind. She was not afraid to try new things, as long as it did not interfere with her studies.

“Fine, I’ll go with you.”

Gwen squealed again and Anna covered her ears, “You are the best friend in the world!” she hugged Anna till she could not breathe.

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