Chapter 20: A Meeting With Vampires

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I was too in a to reply to Isaiah when my eyes were on Queen Emily herself in person. I dropped the cups and started to walk back in fright, they both started to get up from the table as they walk towards me, I was scared..., "Don't runaway my dear, we just want to talk...," Isaiah said again, I didn't listen, the next thing I knew someone quickly appeared in front of me, when I looked up and saw Enrico putting on a brave face when he was scared deep within him, he was protecting me, "....Em....what a surprise for you come here....and Isaiah....," he said with a shaky tone, I wouldn't blame him if he was scared....I was too. "Enrico, been a long time since we last wouldn't happen to know Wicked here do you?," Em asked, after a long moment, Enrico clear his voice and began to speak, "S-She's my great granddaughter....," he said, the expressions on Em's and Isaiah's faces were priceless, it almost made me laugh but I couldn't bring myself to do it. "She's....She's you great granddaughter?...," Isaiah stuttered, " what is it you two want?," Enrico demanded, "hm, watch the tone....we only came here cause this was the meeting place....Dorian told us to come here....," Em said calmly. My eyes widen with surprise, why the heck would he tell them to come here out of places? Enrico then turned to me, "Wicked please go to the back of the bar please....I just want to talk to these two.....," he told me, I slowly nodded as ran away to the back as Isaiah stared at me till I was gone, why was he that in shock? Was he surprise I was related to vampires? Oh well as long as he leaves me alone I was fine....but Em....I just have this bad hunch about makes me....uneasy.

As I waited I looked through my phone for any text messages from Vlad, I sighed sadly when there wasn't any, I missed him really deeply, I wished I could see him just one time. With out even know my buzzer went off from a text message and I suddenly jumped, I looked at the ID and it was Vlad, I smiled with joy and looked at it:


[Hey, Im in Russia u in Spain???]


{Yea, I met my great grandfather, he still hasn't change but so and all everything is cool....and u?}


[it's freakin cold out here! But I've manage to learn some things around here....but it isn't the same without u here....]

His words made my heart ache, I missed him more than anything...


{I miss you too....]


[i wish I can talk longer but I don't have much time now ttyl?]

Me:{sure! Ill be waiting :)}


[Sweet, well love you and bye!]


{Love you too...bye}

Once we started to talk I was now in a depress state, I wish I could had gone with him to Russia, would had been a good experience to see what it's like there....but who was I kidding? "I thought I made it clear with you before?," a voice said from behind, it made me jumped out of chair and turn to the mystery person, Isaiah was was leaning against the wall giving me a nasty glare, he had to got to know when to give up, cause he was driving me nuts, "I thought I told you he can't have you...," he said as he walks twords my way, "Your not my boss, and I'm not yours as well, it 's my desion," I said to him bravly. "Wicked....why can't you see I love you?....I can't afford to lose you...let a lone to some prophet who happens to me the Damphry.....yout mine and mine one can take you away from me.....," my heart sunk from his words and tears began to fall from my face, I was never going to win this war against him, what am I suppose to do? I can't just give in to him, isn't there another way? My eyes soon began to glow in there glowing rainbow color, but the feeling of was anger, "...I'm no one to own....I don't love you! Let alone I hardly even know you!...Just leave me alone...," I said deeply and runs out of the bar, I kept running and running till I coudn't look back and was far from the bar, I had no idea of what I was doing, I had no idea where was I going, but I couldn't stop running, I just wanted to be far from him, far from Em, anyone who was looking for me.....I just....wanted to be alone.

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