Chapter 19: Meeting The Prince And Queen Emily

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So me and Vlad were officly a couple, and alomst everyone at school knows about it, it became the new gossip you could say. It didn't surprise mw cause a lot of people at school told me we make a great couple....but Meredith had a problem with it, I was aware that Vlad and her had a hing together but ever since I came to this school and met him we grew closer and closer. Our bond wa never broken, Otis of course lechtrued ,me and Vlad about it but it didn't matter, no matter what he said to us we were attach. The feeling of it was amazing, I've never experiance love before until now and I hoped it would last forever...but there was one thing I knew about could never last forever.....but that's something I want to wait till the time come.

It was Springbrake was here and I was talking to the rest of my friends for there goodbyes, but once I left them Meredith came up to me witha disgust look, "Can I talk to you for a minute?," she asked me, I knew where this was going and of course to get it over with I simply nodded and followed her outside to a little spot where she talks to her girls, "Look, I know about you and Vlad but.....your not good enough for him...," she said, "Excuse me?..," I asked, " Your not good enough for knew we were about to go out and you just took him away from me!," "Ha! Don't make me laugh Meredith...look I know you like Vlad but he was the one who asked me out in the first place and you can't just makw me change that by braking up with him...,", "Really? The what if he brakes up with you?," she asked me. Around this point I was getting really really READY annoyed with this, so this was the last thing I said to her, "Look....I don't care about this...if we're friends I'm cool with it, if we're more than friends then thats even better...but I'll never stop loving don't know him like I do Meredith...just build a bridge and get over it! END OF STORY!!!," I screamed at her and left with a huff, I could hear her yelling at me but I ignore her, no one controls my life and no one will ever will. I walked out of the school grounds until I was stopped by a hold of my hand, "You ok?," the voice said from behind me, I suddenly smiled and turned back to the vampire face Vlad, "Yeah...I'm fine...," I said quietly, but by the look on Vlad's face he knew I was lying and figured what happen.

As we walked together hand in hand we talked about what we were going to dor for Springbrake, to my surpsie Vlad was going to Russia to see an old friend of Otis's, I believe his name was Vikis. I told him that I had to go to Spain to see my great grandfather Enrico, it's been along time since I've last saw him, I just want to see his cheerful face again. Once we were at our crossroad we held hands and hugged each other for the last time till then, "Try to call me when you get to Russia okay?," I said to Vlad, he chuckled and seprate the hug, "Of course...but text me too when you get to Spain....,", "~Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye!~," I said to him, we both broke into laughter once I promised, "Since when do you like Pinkie Pie?," he asked, "now and don't asked safe," I said to him. After a moment he slowly pulled me in for a kiss that I didn't want to end, once that long minute was over we seperated and let go of each others hands. "...Bye...," we both said to each other. We went our seprate ways and went home, I was going to miss him but I can understand that he needs his training since he does nned his full strength but being away from him will feel like forever...

Few days later me and grandfather have arrive in Spain, though the part of town in Spain reminded me of Bathory...after settling down though we both headed to this bar grandfather told me about, once we arrive I've notice it was way outside of town, it was scary but calm at the same time. We enter with eyes laying right upon us, I felt nerous knowing all these guys were vampires, but the moment grandfather stepped in from behind me all eyes looked away quickly as if they were afraid. I raise an eyebrow in question as grandfather patted my shoulder, "Come on," he said as he took ahood of my hand and began to walk, as we did so I could feel the eyes on us again, "Well if it isn't Wicked!," the cheerful voice said ahead of us, I knew the voice anywhere and I was so happy to hear it again, great grandfather came out smiling as I ran into his open arms for a hug. "It's so good to see you again great grandfather!," I said to him, "little one you can call me Enrico k? It's like your calling me an old man if you said that," he said laughing, he was old though but hey at least he act young....or look young for that matter. "Father, please not here...," grandfather said, "There no harm here....well as long as your here anyway...oh....and Em is here....along with the prince himself...," Enrico said quietly, the prince.....of course out of all places he we would be here....I still couldn't forgive what he did last time...I don't ever want to see him face again. I looked down ignoring there conversation till Enrico notice, he give me a sorry look and stroke my head, "I'll keep and eye on just hurry and finish the meeting...besides...they hate to come to my bar anyway....," Enrico said with a grin, grandfather expression look troublesome but he nodded and smiled down at me, "Make sure to stay by hid side...understand?," he asked me, "yes sir...," I said queitly, I was worried....I wasn't sure if Enrico was even strong enough to stand up again Isaiah....he was the second oldest vampire in the world. Grandfather gather his things and left while me and Enrico went to the back of the shop where the kitchen was, there was a small table there where we sat, but the view of the window was huge and beautiful there and whats better about it the table we were was in front of it. "Now that's its jsut you and me, whats been going on back at Bathory? Anything interesting?," Enrico asked, I wanted to tell him everything but there was one thing that kept bothering me since the inccident....I told him what Isaiah did and said to me awhile ago and soon Enrico expression turned to worry, I needed help, anyone who can help me....just...anyone.

"I see...well my dear I can't really help you about Isaiah...but I could help you on how to avoid you did say he might be 'stalking' you in your home town am I right?," he asked me, I nodded to his answer. "Hm.....well...for one you can't show him have to you say....heartless...," ,"heartless? think that will workout?," I asked, "It might work if you don't show any emotion twaords him at least...then maybe you might have a chance....," he said, I nodded and smile for his help....but there was something else I wanted to asked him too though. "Um Enrico? Whose Em?," I asked, suddenly the atmosphere change, and Enrico skin turned paler, I felt bad for asking who was she but it was the curiousity that got to me. " aware that's Vladimir grandmother right?," he asked, "yes...what about it?," it was obvious I didn't know much about her and don't know what she looks like, but what I heard she was actually still in her teens. "Well she is the oldest vampire known in our records....meaning she is the ruler meaning she is the queen....but...she has no mercy for no one...not even her own if you ever do meet her Wicked...," he stopped as his words and began to tremble with fright, "...becarful....and watch what you say to her....," he said silently. Around that point I was scared...more than she that scary?

Later I ate dinner once the sun went down, at that time more vampires enters the bar, and after I was done eating I decided to help around the bar. Since Enrico was still worried about the vampires eying me he just wanted me to clean the cups, I didn't mind doing it since I was used to cleaning up things. It was like I was at home since my father live through his life here back with my mother from what I re-read from the journal my father had, I wish i was here with them. When I came out from the back of the bar to get the rest of the cups I heard two voices, one that I knew quite well that it made my heart drop, " haven't change one bit....," the voice said, the world around me froze as I did as well....I turned slowly and say that same grin from awhile back, Isaiah was sitting at a table in the back along with a young woman....and right at that point I knew who she was Em....

(Geez I love writting about this XD hope you guys love it!)

Book 1:The Damphyr Protector 8th Grade Sucks {Vladimir Tods Fanfic} [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat