The Chase [3]

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Hey guys, chapter 3 :3 hope you like it! Any feedback would be great! Thank you for reading. 


"Mia.. will you, uhm.. wake up? You have visitors.." 

"Dad, tell them to fuck off."

"Mia, language!"

"Sorry. Dad, tell them to get lost."

Just as my dad was about to say something I heard Alex run up the stairs screaming my name. Alex Davies was my best friend. 5 ft 11", black hair, blue eyes, very well built, worked out enough, but not too much, had a lovely tanned olive skin tone and was the school hot-shot. Everybody wanted to be with him, everyone wanted to BE him. I could tell he was nearing my room and my stomach was already tying itself in knots, just the thought of having to explain what had happened was making me feel sick to my stomach. I couldn't talk about it anymore than I already had. I'd spoken to 3 inspectors, had to call into my school and tell them what was happening and even had to talk to a therapist yesterday. As soon as Alex reached my door he ran straight for my bed and bear hugged me so tight I felt like I was going to burst open.

"Alex, fucking hell, get off me!"

"I'm sorry I want to hug my best friend who I haven't seen in like 3 weeks, okay? Jesus christ, Mia, where have you been?! You don't look ill, you look fine, you're not dead, obviously, you're okay... right? You are okay aren't you? Please tell me you're okay." 

"Alex, chill. I'm fine, you can stop checking me for injuries." I didn't realise how cold I was when I said that, until I saw the look of hurt in Alex's eyes. Goddammit, Mia, stop taking your pain out on other people. 

"I'm sorry, Alex. Look I'm just.. it's.."

"It's what, Mia? You can talk to me, you know that."

"Of course, it's just.. it's really hard."

"Okay, well how about we watch a movie? Get you out of here?"

That made me smile. There was loads of new movies I was taking note of that I really wanted to watch and that was just what I needed. Keeping myself locked in this house wasn't doing me any good at all.

"Yes please. I'll just get ready and meet you downstairs? My dad's not gonna make much of a conversation with you, and yes I know he looks like shit, but just.. bare with him? I'll try and explain everything later, no promises." 

"Got it." He gave me some sort of army salute and walked out.


Getting myself out of bed and into the shower was so much effort, my body was so used to just lying there that it actually kind of hurt to get up. I stretched, undressed and got into the shower. The hot water running down my back untied all the knots I had, relaxed me a bit, cleared my mind. I obviously hadn't realised how long I spent in there because all I could here was Alex banging on the bathroom door and screaming for me to hurry up. I had obviously been so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't realise where I was. I looked around at the bathroom and you could hardly see anything because of all the steam that was in there, it was like one of those foggy nights out of those horror movies. I was waiting for someone in a Scream mask to pop out and murder me or some shit. I turned the shower off, grabbed the towel wrapping it around myself and another to wrap around my hair, unlocked the door and walked out. 

As soon as I emerged, I saw Alex's face and that's when I knew I was in trouble. He looked at me and gave the worst evils I had ever received off anyone, and they kind of actually scared me a little. Man, if looks could kill I'd be on a pile on the floor. 

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