Chapter 19 - Puzzle Pieces

Depuis le début

 I pulled in next to her father's car in the driveway. I opened the front door for Scott as we burst into her house. The lights were all of, meaning that her dad must be in bed. I flicked on the hall lights and led Scott up the stairs into her bedroom. He laid her on the floor on her side just as Allison had done with Erica during her seizure after gym class.

 "What's going on? I thought I heard - " Mr. Brisbane froze in the doorway as he watched Emma twitch and shake on the ground. He rushed over to her. "What happened?"

 "I don't know," I said, rubbing Emma's shoulders. I looked up at Scott. "Seizures shouldn't last this long."

 A normal seizure is only about a minute to a minute and a half long. Emma has been shaking like this for at least five. This was something entirely different. Suddenly, her body relaxed in my lap. We were all silent, only the sounds of our raged breathing filling the room. For the next thirty seconds, nothing happened. Even though all was quiet, the silence felt deafening. 

 Then, Emma filled her lungs with a large gasp of air, sitting straight up. She gazed around us with wide eyes. Her lips twitched upward into a smile. She covered her mouth with her hand, happy sobs escaping.

 "Emma?" Her father asked.

 "I - I remember," she said. She lowered her hand from her face and I swear I've never seen a brighter smile. "I remember everything,"

 I couldn't believe it. Just like that, her memories were back? How's that even possible? There has to be more to this, I just know it. As happy as I am that Emma has her memory back, something just doesn't feel right.

 "I...I can see again," she said. I realized that we'd left her broken glasses in the middle of the street. Then it hit me, if she can see again, does that mean her abilities are back too? She looked around her room, her brows knitting together. "How'd I get here?"

 "We drove you from the party," said Scott. I was thankful that he spoke for me. I just couldn't seem to be able to form words at the moment.

 "Did I black out?"

 "Not...not exactly," said Scott with a sigh, looking down at me.

 "Well, what happened?" Emma asked. She turned her head to look at me, her hand rubbing along my arm. "Stiles?"

 Her navy blue eyes found mine and for a moment I felt the entire world around me go still. The last time she woke up in my arms, she had no idea who I was. Now, as I hold her, she knows everything. She remembers everything. The thing is, I just want her to be happy about it. I don't want to burden her with my worry that something else is wrong.

 I let out a heavy sigh. "You were just shaking a lot, that's all. But you're fine now, you remember. That's all that matters," I said.

 She smiled and squeezed my arm. I gave a weak smile back. I tried to focus on the fact that she has all of those memories of us again. I needed to keep that thought in my head instead of the theory that's been haunting the back of my mind ever since she and Lydia both freaked out at the ice rink.

 "Guys, as wonderful as this is, we sort of have a problem," said Scott. "Matt's the one controlling the kanima."

 "Wait, kanima?" Mr. Brisbane asked. "A kanima is the thing killing all those people?"

 "You know what a kanima is?" I asked him in shock.

 "My wife was obsessed with mythology, you pick up on a few things," he said.

 "Well do you know how to stop it?" Scott asked.

 "I do,"

 I looked down at Emma as she spoke. She blinked a few times, the way she always does when she gets nervous. She sucked in a deep breath.

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