Step step.

My jaw dropped. D-did he just walk away from me?! The nerve of that man! How dare he! Right when I'm about to speak he just walks away?! I tried to yell in silent but then he gave me a signal. He waved his hands saying, "Follow me." I guess he wants to talk privately. He led me to his room. I trust him. He would never do anything 'bad' to me. He closed the door and sat down on the bed next to me. "I'm sorry."


"Just listen, ok?" I nodded my head. "Remember when I went to 'train' that day? Well actually I was trying to collect my thoughts because....."

I smirked and shoved him playfully, finishing his sentence. " saw a photo of Law and I and you got jealous, which made you ignore me for two or three days and that's why you're talking to me right now."

His jaw dropped as he slapped his forehead. "Why'd I even bother....never mind. Well whatever you just said is exactly why I'm talking to you. Uh....I'm sorry."

I laughed and patted his head. "No need to repeat yourself twice." I stared at him even more. "We were never dating, just to make that clear." His eyes widen as if I just answered the question he was about to ask. "He's like my brother, no matter how many times people say we look like a cute couple. We went out to a dance club that night. As everyone started slow dancing, Law and I did the same. Namis was recording Law so he can make fun of him in the end."

Zoro raised an eyebrow. "So who took the photo?"

"Good question. Honestly we never knew. We found a photo of us at the nearest table possible. It was crazy. Law and Namis thought someone was stalking us but that's just nonsense. But Zoro...."

He turned around as I smiled in amusement. "I know the real reason why you were jealous." Zoro faced the opposite direction trying to ignore me. "The way Law was so close to me, the way he was blushing, the way we both were smiling and having fun with one another. It didn't mean anything, you know. But you know what's funny? I didn't know you were the jealous type-" He covered my mouth as he smirked at me.

"Shut up." I cherished the moment as we started to laugh. I missed his voice. How can a guy like him make me feel so...different? But that's when I heard whistling and cheering. We both turned our heads toward the doorway as the whole crew smiled upon us.

That's when I spotted Law and Namis.

"It's about damn time." Law chuckled.

Luffy tilted his head. "You two are now in good terms right?"

"Of course, captain - san." Robin responded.

"All well, ends well." Franky and Brook said at the same time.

"It's ok Sanji. It's ok." Chopper said comforting the crying chef.

"It's not fair!" He sobbed. "He doesn't deserve her!" Chopper just continued shushing him.

I couldn't help but laugh. I couldn't believe it. They actually spied on us. I loved my crew so much. But there's one person I love even more. But that's a secret for now.

That's when Law and Namis playfully started to smirk. Zoro - being his ignorant self - ignored the scene in front of him. They laughed as they got what they wanted; a mad first captain chasing after them.

"You idiots will regret saying that." Zoro said still chasing after the two.

But then a knock interrupted the hectic scene. Everyone stayed silent and looked at each other wondering who will open the door. I nodded my head saying 'I'll do it' and reached for the doorknob.


I couldn't believe my eyes......

"Hi Nami... It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

CLIFFHANGER !!! HAHAHAHA  Sucks for u guys but u have to wait for the next chapter to see who that person is. Comment who u think the person might be. Anyways I hope u enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry that I update my chapters late. Homework is killing my time but I'm on spring break rn so I can start working on the next chapter. Now don't forget to STAY TUNED!!!!!!!


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