Chapter Twenty: Ending and Beginning

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He was at the venue. The bottom of a laundry mat never felt so terrible. It smelled like mildew. Harry could actually identify which blood stains on the cement floors were his, which he found funny and depressing. His were older than most here, a dark brown color. It would take years for them to fade all the way out. Maybe they never would. If he couldn't leave a mark on the world at least he had left a mark here. There was something sad about that thought.

Niall wasn't here yet. Louis was and so were a few of the usual spectators. He wondered if Valentine would come like she said she would. Maybe it was best if she didn't. There weren't rules here. Harry had watched people try to kill him, and he had watched people get nearly beaten to death. There hadn't been a death yet, but that was just in this particular place. He had known people that had seen some crazy things.

There were some ropes in the center of the room. They were held up in a square shape by some metal poles. They toppled easily. The rope was the same kind they used in the movies, a cheap red velvet with golden hooks. The owners must have just had them lying around.

Louis didn't acknowledge him. He stood at the other end of the room silently waiting for the match to start. He was typing something out on his phone.

Harry's opponent hadn't shown up yet either.

A small part of him hoped he never would. There would be no winner, and thus, no loser. He bit the inside of his cheek and waited.

More and more people filed in. The room got steadily warmer.

A man Harry had never met approached him and roughly grabbed his shoulder. He had a black beard with white patches. He smiled with a mouthful of yellow teeth. His coat was made of white fur, and he looked like he was wearing a "rich guy from the 80's" costume. The kind that came in the plastic bags with all the pieces you would need.

"My boy Zayn will be down in a minute there son," he said. He had an American accent and his breath smelled like cigars. Harry tried not to gag. "He won't be going easy on you."

"I would hope not." Harry said not looking away from the man's eyes. They were green.

The unnamed man walked away and sat down in one of the folding metal chairs next to the ring. He didn't turn around. If he felt Harry staring at him, he didn't show it.

Zayn's first few footsteps down the stairs were loud enough to alert everyone in the room he was on his way. All the chatter quieted. All eyes turned towards the stairs. Zayn, apparently, was a big a deal. Nobody ever looked at Harry like that when he came to a fight. A prick of jealousy wormed its way into Harry's chest. Jealousy and fear.

At least his hand wraps would absorb his sweat.

The first thing Harry noticed about Zayn were his scars. his knuckles were completely covered in scars. Some were fresher than others. There were other scars too, traveling up his arms and neck and face. Harry expected they continued on under his shirt as well. Harry was a blank canvas compared to him.

Behind Zayn came Niall, who was much less intimidating than Zayn's manager. It was obvious who the rookies were here.

They wasted no more time. Harry was the first into the ring, and the ref was the second. There were no black and white stripes, and no whistles. He shouted the rules quickly. You fight until you can't, or get thrown out of the ring. Nothing dirty like hair pulling and scratching. Those were the only rules.

Zayn and Harry shook hands and took their places opposite each other. It was all silent.

More steps were sounding from the stairs. Harry didn't have to turn around to see who it was, which was good.

Valentine made her way across the room, and leant against the center pillar. She nodded at Harry.

Zayn didn't turn around to look at who had come, which was a huge advantage. A buzzer sounded and Harry was unprepared. Zayn's fist collided with his face before Harry could react. The world spun as he went down. The dull thud in his cheek would probably last for weeks. A chorus of gasps and laughs rang out from the crowd as the fight really got under way.

Harry hefted himself up quickly, just in time to catch a kick aimed for his midsection. He twisted the leg and Zayn went down. He took the opportunity and aimed a fist directly at his face. One good shot and this fight could be over.

But Zayn was fast. He rolled to the side before the strike could land and was on his feet again just as quickly. Harry should have known it wouldn't be easy. He needed to change his tactics.

Neither of them made a move. Each was watching the other intently, waiting to see a single twitch of a muscle to lock in on.

And there it was. Zayn's hands, which he had never put any wraps on and thus had speckles of blood on them, twitched to cover his ribs more. Harry leant into this knowledge.

One quick move of the feet and Zayn was within his reach. With his hands covering his ribs Harry managed to land a strike on his face. There was a loud cracking sound.

All around him camera lights flashed, stinging his eyes. If Zayn got up now he could catch him by surprise and end it all. But he didn't get up. The fight was over in less than five minutes.

Harry blearily stepped out of the ring. People were crowding him, patting him on the back for doing such a great job. He was free now, his debts were paid. A lopsided smile fell onto his face while Niall was jumping around him and yelling something.

Valentine was still waiting patiently against the pillar. Harry caught sight of her every time the crowd shifted just right. She was smiling too. It looked just like how he painted it.

He wanted to talk to her right then, but he got swept up in the crowd. It was 20 minutes before he really got the chance to.

She was still waiting. Same pose, same smile. He didn't think he would ever get sick of seeing her smile. His heart started to hammer when he reached her. The thought of that alone made him laugh.

"You came," he said. He smiled at her. His cheek hurt when he did it, so he stopped.

"I did. Apparently I promised I would be here. You looked good up there," she said. Harry rubbed at the back of his neck. It was suddenly very hot in here.

"So now that you don't have to watch me train what will you be doing?" he asked. He was hoping she would say something smooth like 'oh I'm not sure.. maybe you?' but she didn't.

"I'll be looking after my dad. Working. Life as normal." she replied. He wasn't disappointed in her answer but he wondered if they would see each other again after this. At least in a friendship way.

She seemed different. Like she was... looser he guessed. Like less walls were separating them now.

"Maybe I'll call you, when I get a minute," she continued. Her voice was steady and smooth. Harry took his hair out of it's bun to hide his light blush.

"Please do."

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