Chapter Fourteen: Fight Me

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Harry had one day left. One day left until he was free from his debt, one day until he was able to stop fighting forever. One day until he risked his life in that ring.

He was nervous, but ready.

He couldn't sit still. His nerves, and the hairs on the back of his neck, were standing on end. He couldn't focus on one thing for more than a second.

He needed some tea.

He rushed out of his apartment. He would be glad to move out.

He looked at his phone while running down the hall. He had a few missed calls, most from Niall some from Liam or Louis. The one that caught his eye was Valentine. She called an hour ago, but didn't leave a message. His fingered twitched while he clicked on her name.

It rang three times before she answered.

"You didn't tell me that you could get hurt," she said the second she picked up. Her voice was shaky. He thought for a second that she sounded worried. He brushed off the idea. That wasn't Valentine's style.

"You never asked. It's not important anyways, so is that all you called to talk about?" he asked. He hoped it wasn't, mostly because he had been given this lecture before.

"Yes it is and you are not hanging up until I get some answers," she said. He hung up anyway. He didn't need more people knowing about this, especially when it was so close to over.

He had made it one block away from his apartment before she called again. He didn't answer. So she called again. He still didn't answer.

This continued until he made it to the coffee shop. The bell above the door jingled on his way in. He walked up to the counter, pressed end call every few seconds, and ordered some tea.

Then he was punched in the arm.

He turned to the side to see a very angry looking Valentine. She was wearing heels today, so they were eye level. His arm ached a little.

"First of all: how dare you? Second of all: HOW DARE YOU," she shouted. People turned to look at them. She didn't get less angry. Her eyes were wide and staring him down. She was a lion waiting for him to move. He didn't dare.

"How did you know I was here?" he asked. His eyebrows were scrunched together like little caterpillars.

"Hero works here. I was visiting on my break. Who do you think you are, ignoring my calls?" she questioned. When he didn't answer she continued. "So what then? You're just going to do it? You're going to fight,"

"Yes I am. Why do you even care? It took you five days to tell me your name!" he said after a brief pause. If she was going to be mad he was going to be mad too. She wasn't his mom, she couldn't tell him what he could and couldn't do.

"I care because you're stupid and you could get seriously hurt!" she said. She threw up her arms and took a few steps back from him. By now everyone was looking at them. They were that couple.

No. They weren't a couple... why had he thought that?

One of the workers asked them to leave.

They walked outside to continue the shouting.

"I could get hurt. I need the money more." he said. He turned away from her. His stomach felt like someone poured lava into it. His hands were sweaty.

"Fight me!" she screeched. Her hands were balled up into fists. She was ready.

"Trust me I'm qualified," he said. He wouldn't ever hurt her, no matter how hard she tried to fight him.

"How dare you. How dare you hurt somebody for money."

"It's mutual. He would hurt me so I will hurt him."

"It's wrong," she whispered. He turned back around to face her. She wasn't angry anymore. The redness in her dark skin hadn't faded, but the look in her eyes told him.

"Come over. At least let me explain before you drop me like a grenade," he said. He hadn't known her for long, but he felt like he had to make her understand. He thought back to how she had fought so hard to make it to her family, and he wanted desperately to a part of something like that.

"Fine. I hope you're good at explaining. I'll be over later tonight," she said. She turned on her heel and walked away. He stood, watching the gentle sway of her hips until he couldn't see her anymore.

The fire that blazed in her eyes had put him even more on edge.

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