Chapter 11, born

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AN: Heyy hahah. I'm writing 2 story's today. It's vacation and I don't have anything to do right now. And I'm excited about writing this book. -xx-


David's POV

I'm at Alex and Dom's place. I get a phone call from Liza.

D: Hey babe. What's up?

L: David? AAHHHRRRGG. Ahw, you need to come. My water broke.

D: Omg. Ok babe I'm on my way.

I hang up the phone. "Guys i need to go, Liza's water broke." I say to Dom and Alex. "Woa dude hurry!" Alex says. 

In the car I call Gabbie. 

G: Yo David. What's up?

D: Liza's water broke. Come to the hospital later. Ohw and take Zane with you.

G: Omg! Ok we're coming!

I arive at Liza's place. I see her sitting on the couch. "Babe! I'm here!" I say and I speed up to her. She groans. "David we need to go to the hospital." "Ofcourse babe."

*Timelaps hospital*

Still David's POV

Liza is about 2 inches wide now. I went outside for a moment to pick up Gabbie and Zane from the entrance. When I arrive there I see they brought Heath, Kristen, Scotty and Erin. Gabbie greets me. "Hey everyone!" I say a little stressed out. "Liza's in room 178. Gabbie she wants you in the room if you want it to. The rest has to wait in the waitingroom." Everyone nods. Gabbie fastwalks (You know like half running half walking) with me to Liza. When we come in Gabbie says. "Omg Liza! I'm here babe." She laughs a little at herself. "Oh, it's really nice that you want to be here." Liza responds. "Babe I'm back to. And I'm not leaving you anymore." I say to her. As I sit down she grabs my hand. We agreed before that she can squeezes my hand as hard as she wants. Liza moans in pain as a docter walks in. "Hey miss. Koshy. I'm going to check on how many inches you are." She sits down at a chair at the end of the bed and lifts up the blanket. After a few moments she says. "Ok, you're on 2,5 inches. I think we can start pushing in like half an hour." Liza sighs as the doctor leaves. 

I look at Liza. Almost half an hour has past. I see she's getting another constraction. "AAhhh fuck!" She says as she lifts up her knees. I can see she doesn't know what to do with her body as she is in so much pain, I hate seeing her in that much pain. "David don't leave me please."She says almost crying. "No babe. Why would I? I'm staying with you pookie." The doctor walks in. "Ok Liza, I think you can go push." She sits down at the chair again. A nurse is coming in to. The doctor tells me to grab Liza's leg as soon as she gets another constraction. "There's coming one right?" The doctor asks Liza,  who nods. "Babe you can do this!" I say to her as I see it's coming. "Yea come on Liza!" Gabbie says. "Ok. One two three! Push!" The doctors says. I grab Liza's leg while she's pushing. After 10 seconds the doctor, who's names Mila btw, says. "Great job Liza, next time push a little harder."

Almost half an hour has past again and the baby is still not there. I see Liza's out of breath and torned down of pushing all the time resulting nothing. Mila walks back in after going away for a minute. "I'm really sorry Liza, but the baby isn't coming and it's heart beat is slowing down. We have to do an emergency C-section." Liza begins to cry, I hug her. I see Gabbie is almost crying to. "I'll go to the waitingroom and tell the others what's happening." She says. "Good luck gurl.  love you." She walks away. "Ok Liza, I have to give you an epidural." Mila pulls out a huge injection with a big needle. I see Liza shrinking back. I know how much she hates needles and injections. "Can you sit straight up with you're back to me." Mila says, who is now standing next to liza. Liza sits the way she said it and stares me in the eyes. "Come here babe." I say. She puts her arms on my shoulders and rest her head on my chest. "Ok hun, you're gonna feel a little pressure on one or both legs. Most people say it hurts but it will be over soon." Mila says. "Ready?" Liza nods. I can feel her heart going faster as Mila puts in the needle, she groans. Some seconds later I can also hear her sobbing. After 20 more seconds Mila pulls out the injection. "All done." She says. Liza lets me go and I wipe of her tears. "Lay down babe." I say. "I'm scared, stay with me please." She says. "I will not leave your side baby." I say as I hug her. 

I'm still holding Liza as Mila and other nurses are pushing her bed out of the room. I stay with her all the time. Liza is kinda high from the morfine they gave her. After 10 minutes I hear a doctor say to me. "Congratulations! It's a girl." They clean her a little and put her in a blanket. Then they hand her to me. I cry as I'm holding her. "Look Liza. We're parents. We have a girl!" Liza smiles. Mila comes to me and says that she's gonna examine the kid. When she walks away with our girl I hear sirenes and beeping machines. I see Liza's eyes are rolling and then they close. "Sir I have to ask you to leave this room." A nurse says. "Wait! What happening?!" I say as she slowly pushes me out of the room. "I don't know yet, please wait in the waitingroom." I cry again, this time of fear. What's going to happen with Liza?

As I enter the waitingroom in surgeryclothes everyone stares at me with a asking face. "We have a girl." I say. Everyone hugs me and is happy. After a few seconds Gabbie is the first who sees it. "Wait but why are you crying so hard then? I can see it's not of happiness." "I don't know." I say crying. "There's something wrong with Liza. And I don't know what's going to happen." They look at eachother as I sit down. I cry harder.

liza koshy&david dobrik. ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now